
Need help with landlord problem?

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the frig leaks water from bottom,stove doesn't work properly'dishwasher doesn't work at all,wall in my bedroom leaks water when it rains and has ruined my desk and carpet(room in split level home,basement.)gutter falling off,tree hit by storms left laying in yard,shower down stairs floods floor if used.will not fix anything and cant afford to move right now.




  1. We can help you, but you have to give more information. You don't have to give your name or the address where you live.

  2. Bad landlord.  You obviously had your eyes closed when you signed the lease.  You can not withhold rent.  It just gets you in trouble.  Our local judge says to bring your problem to him.  You fill out a 10 day demand that everything be fixed.  If it isn't you go back to court and get a court date.  The judge will terminate your lease or order that money be paid to you for the problems; or both.

  3. Need details?

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