
Need help with language-traveling overseas?

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I'm going to Spain next monday. If any of you could give me phrases (and translate them) that I need/should know while I'm over there, it would be most appreciated if you'd tell me them.




  1. tengo hambre- i'm hungry

  2. olah =hello

    aidios= bye

    grassi= thanks

    grassi ***= thank you

  3. Hello - Hola

    Good Bye - Hasta Luego

    Dude - Tio/Tia

    OK - Vale/Bueno/Venga

    White tourist - Gidi or Girri (not sure of spelling)

    Bathroom - servicio

    I'm looking for - Estoy buscando

    Where is... - Donde esta...

    I was robbed - Me robaron (I need that one twice)

    thief - ladron

    Handsome - Guapo/a (male/female)

    Cool - Chullo!

    That's heavy! - Que fuerte tio!

    Most are specific to Spain

  4. Here are some common words/phrases that should be helpful:

    hello-- hola (pronounced O-lah)

    goodbye--adios (ah-dee-ohs)

    please--por favor (por fah vor)

    thank you--gracias  (gra cee ahs)

    you're welcome--de nada

    excuse me--perdon  (pear dohn)

    Do you speak English? --Habla ingles?

    How much is it? --Cuanto Cuesta?

    What time does it open/close?--A que hora abren/ cierran? (Ah kay ora abren/ cierran)

    Where is...?--Donde esta'?

    Have a great trip!

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