
Need help with loading digital pictures! Please help!!?

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I have a fuji A350 camera. I can upload the pics to my computer, but everytime I plug in the camera, the whole card loads on finepix. I've tried deleting the pics on the camera, but the pictures keep loading/saving each time. I just want the card to be empty so when I plug in the USB cable, only the latest pics I have taken will load. As of now, I have to let them load, THEN go back and delete them so I wont have a million copies of the same pictures. I would really appreciate any help that anyone could give me.

Thank you!




  1. Don't just "delete" the pictures from your memory card.  Format the card instead.

  2. why dont you just delete the pictures on the camera instead of the computer?

  3. Get a card reader, then plug it in to your cpu and put your memory card in it, it should bring up a screen that shows you all your pics and you should be able to just check which ones you want to upload...Here's the one I have, it works very nicely and can read different memory cards:

  4. Can you delete the FinePix software and just access the camera as if it were any other USB device?  Thats what ive always done for digital cameras and camera-phones.  The firmware is usually second rate.

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