
Need help with my Husband!!?

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My husband just told me that he is feeling really stressed. He says he needs to find a hobby or something to do so he doesn't have a mental breakdown....but he can't think of anything he wants to do. He says nothing sounds good and it's making him feel terrible. I asked him what I could do to help him, and he said he didn't know. I told him it sounded like he was depressed, and he said he thinks he is, but he drives a truck locally and he says that you can't be a truck driver and have depression. They look at it as an illness. I'm not familiar with truck driving and what their guidelines are. I want to get help for my husband, but he loves his job and i'm worried he wont get help because he doesn't want to lose his job. Please help me!




  1. His testosterone level is low.  Low testosterone causes lack of energy, decreased sexual interest, depression and an overall feeling of hopelessness.  I recommend 200mg injected in the buttocks every 10-14 days.  Within 7 to 10 days, he will notice that the sky is much bluer, the grass more green.  It will dawn on him that he now feels like life is good.    

  2. I used to get depressed a lot until I got into church. Now life has never been better for me. I am having the time of my life right now and I have not been depressed since. If he wants to, he can go that route. Sometimes it helps to talk to people. Try some chat rooms. There are many different kinds for all kinds of people. Taking some continuing education college courses might be good. They have classes like photography, art, computers, tennis, etc...If he gets counseling from a pastor or someone at a church then his job will know nothing about it.  

  3. Well I know when I feel so hopeless its hard to think of anything either. So maybe help him out by introducing him to new activities that you think he may like and that may be a jump start?

    I also think that all counseling would be confidential, maybe he can't be prescribed medication? Do more research

  4. Tell him to go to Model Expo dot com. He can't build wooden ship models. That'll relieve his stress. Works for me.

  5. you know your husband better than anyone buy him something you think he would enjoy doing. my husband likes to do woodworking and play guitar. take him somewhere like hobby lobby or another hobby store and let him look around see if anything gets his attention  

  6. An affair??  What is that guy talking about?  I didn't read that between the lines at all.. Maybe your husband really just is feeling depressed because he is in a rut.  Does he work long hours?  Maybe that is getting him down, driving all day long, come home, sleep, wake up, start over... If he can take a few days of vacation, maybe you guys can plan a little something, try some new hobbies, get out for some hiking, camping, bike riding, whatever sounds good to you both.  It will change up his routine and maybe spark a few new interests you can both take up together.  Good luck!

  7. it does sound like depression to me...I felt like him before. I couldn't find the joy in anything. I started going to a therapist (my job knows nothing about this) and it has gotten so much better. The only way his job is going to find out is if he tell them. I suffered for 6 years with anxiety and depression. I feel so much better since I went to therapy. It does help.

  8. Well his job is islocating himself from other people. because its a one man thing truck driving so i would suggest going out even if you have to bring friends over.  this may sound stupid but maybe myspace could help. i needed something to take my mind off of things so i got a mysapce page and i started to interact with couples my age and its a great way to meet new people.  and even some excerise or going out to a movie and walking with your husband after work or something. and listening to music get him to interact with anything or anyone or anybody is a great solution. depression runs in my family so i have to learn how to deal around my depression. but in the end it will be all worth it trust me!!!! well i hoped i have helped you and your husband good luck!!!

  9. I've been there.  seriously, it sounds like he is having an affair and the guilt is getting to him.  Look for the signs.

  10. I would try researching the guidelines for a truck driver, first. Just google it. I'm sure you can find the info you need somewhere.. Then, if you find that seeing a Psychologist is in fact considered an illness, then you will know he is being truthful. If you find otherwise, then MAYBE consider the fact that he may be having an affair. (But, I seriously doubt it by the way you describe his condition.) If he IS able to see a doctor, I would suggest a couples counselor. That way you are completely involved with whatever it is that he has going on with him and you can be there for support. Does he enjoy house work? Maybe you could come up with a project to update your home that he could tend to for the time being.. Some guys like that sort of stuff..

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