
Need help with my aunt/moving, kind of freaking out x_x;

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I was supposed to move to California to live with my Aunt and watch her kids while I go to school. She imformed me today that the school started earlier than we though [the 18th of Aug.] She now wants me to move there by then instead of our original plan of the leaving the 22nd to be there by the 25th. Should I tell her I'd rather wait and start college in the winter instead or just keep trying to apply for everything and get things ready by then?

Im not even sure if I can get out of my current job by then. [they have scheduals posted two or three weeks in advance some times] Also I was going to try and fly my friend out from Kansas to help me through the trip, but he would just be getting back from a trip in Florida the day or two before I would have to fly him out. Ahh, Im just freaking out! I do want to start school, but I dont even know if Ill get acepted by then! Advise?




  1. Your idea of starting in the winter will take this load off of you. Go with that.

  2. My answer expands on the last one.  

    Your aunt told you what would be best for her, plus she was informing you of a fact you didn't have for making plans.

    What would be ideal for you?  Write it out on paper.  Prioritize what decisions have to be made before other decisions can be made.  Make a best case scenario.  Call your aunt and with a calm voice, explain what will be best for you, and if there is room for a compromise, you are willing to discuss one, but your priorities and sequence of events is such and such.

    Also, try to do some yoga.

  3. ooooh. yoga is s**y.

  4. If I would were you I would choose the best possible situation for yourself. It sounds like a big move and moving everything sounds like it would be kind of rushed. So do it where you can be comfortable and for the move to be easy. I am sure that your aunt won't be too disappointed. Just explain the situation. Good luck.

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