
Need help with my boyfriend's hamster..?

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my boyfriend got a russian dwarf hamster about 5 months ago. he used to get her out of her cage everyday and let her roam around the room for exercise for about 10 mins.she also has a wheel in her cage and she runs on it everyday.

now my boyfriend got a job and he isn't as free as before. he doesn't have time to take her out of the cage anymore. my question is would it harm her if she stays in after getting used to roaming out everyday? and how can he make it up to her? would gettin a male hamster to live with her help?




  1. shell be fine in the cage as long as she has room food and water. Also if the hamster is a female dont get a male as they are likley to mate and you wouldnt want 6 hamster pups if he doesnt have enough time already. Also its too late to introduce a new hamster even if its of the same s*x. because they will fight they have to be introduced at a young age or from the same litter not to fight.

  2. well she won't be harmed but i suggest you to buy some toys her the hamster. and try to spend time with her as much as you can. once i went on a vacation for 2 weeks and i got my hamsters a sitter. the sitter told me that in the second week my hamster won't eat anything because they missed me, so when i got back i spend hours with them. you could get a male hamster but they might fight then end up with baby hamsters if thats what you want. i have teo male syrian hamsters and they barely ever fight

    good luck!!!

  3. Well, i'm going to answer the last part of your question first. Getting a male hamster would only make a bunch of baby hamsters AND some fights. I used to own + breed hamsters, I wouldn't reccommend this. If she's set in her ways, just give her new various toys in her cage. Get some cardboard small boxes, or toiletpaper rolls/paper towel rolls so she can crawl around them and hide in them. Change the way her cage looks, it's just like a new place for her and she'll be alright with that.

    Depending upon the size of the cage, she should be fine. If she's in a tiny cage, get a bigger one! I personally love 10 gallon aquarium cages because i can fill them with bedding and build tunnelways that my critters loved, then again... it sometimes took me a few looks in the cage to find them.. lol

    She should be ok, if you're concerned try "buying" a hamster from the pet store, just ask if they'll take it back if your hamster doesn't get along with it. My reccommendation for introducing a new one: clean up the cage completely, replace everything and disinfect everything then put all the stuff back in, but rearrange it so it doesn't look quite the same then put them both in together.. and be hopeful.

  4. You should get a different cage and make sure you talk to someone who knows alot about it.

    Sometimes they don't like being pick up so much but most of the time they do just when ever you have time or when her has time take it out.

    No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... do not get a male they will have 20 baby before you know it. Get a female they same breed as her and they will be fine I have two females they love to be together. If this help!

  5. Wow, that is a funny name for a binky.

  6. well it probably wont harp her health but u might want 2 take her out ur self or have him do it 3-4 times a week then the next week do it 1 time less and she should get over it and about the male hamster i dont think it would work bc she might think u r not takin her out n e more bc a dont like her as much as the new hamster and i heard dwarf hamsters like livein alone cuz i had 1 about 3 years ago ok hope this letter heped

  7. I have a hamster to , a Robo Dwarf Hamster. Hamsters are very territorial, if they are the same gender. I would suggest him to get a male hamster. I not sure if it affects her, but i think it might not affect her. He should give her some treats or if your bf has time he can take her a bit longer when he doesnt go to work. I hope i helped out!

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