
Need help with my confidence issue?

by  |  earlier

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i need help, i have no confidence or self esteem, it was my first day at college, i hardely said anything to my class mates, whilst their all friends now, im just sat alone by maself, i've had a stammer all my life, which has really affected my social life, what can i do?




  1. Don't worry too much. I was kind of a loner in high school and college. Over the years, I've learned to speak up-be heard and bring attention to you (in a positive light). Next time you walk into the classroom or lecture hall, go sit next to someone you don't know. Say hello-and if the response is warm then ask them about where they went to high school, what made them choose this college...all of these questions are conversation starters. If you tense up like I used to. Take 3 deep silent breathes and then move forward. Take care!

  2. you'll get to know them, it comes naturally.

  3. You can do two things to raise your self esteem.

    Find what your strenghts and weaknesses are and work on them.Do what you do best and improve what needs to be improved.

    As for your fear of inadequacy the only way to conquer it is to face it.You must find the courage to speak.A little more every day and you will conquer it.This way you will build your self esteem.

    Talk slowly.Think before you speak.

    The link bellow contains very accurate personality tests that can help you know yourself.

  4. hey im just like you, and it acutally doesnt take much to overcome your low confidence. its only your first day, and i dont believe that everyone is already friends. true friendship bonds take time to form. try and make friends with people with common interests so you can be comfortable and lose the stammering. remove your fear by faking confidence.

  5. Everyone has something in life that they feel self conscious about it's just that some people don't have to deal with it every day and others just ignore it.

    I know several stammerers and they just get on with it. Some have learned to avoid certain words, others are more affected when they are tired and some just wait til the word comes out.  But the important thing is that they don't hide in the background.

    Increasing your confidence should improve your stammer.

    Hypnotherapy can help, though you will need several sessions.  I have worked with some stammerers and all of them noticed a difference afterwards.

    There are probably some forums out there that would put you in contact with other people who have s stammer and they should be able to pass on some good advice.

  6. as with everything it gets easier with practice. It's never easy at the start but the secret is to start small and slowly step out of your comfort zone.

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