
Need help with my dad's wedding reception?

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My dad is getting married soon and he has asked me to say something at the ceremony. It's going to be very small-immediate family only-and secular. The entire wedding is very laid-back and he said I could say whatever I wanted. I'm looking for a quote, reading, whatever--definitely on the shorter side though (not more than two minutes at most). I really like his fiance but I'm still not 100% thrilled about the wedding. I'm very happy for him, but still very sad that my mom's death is what brought us to this event. I want to convey that I am happy for them, but I don't want it to be too gushy and I don't want to come off as fake--it is no secret that I am having a hard time.

My initial thoughts were something along the Bob Dylan/Joni Mitchell lines, but I'm open to all suggestions.

Thanks so much for your help! I'm pretty lost here.




  1. You are very brave to do this for your dad.  I woldn't be able to.

    Just say what you feel in your heart.  About how wonderful a dad he is and has been.  About how you are happy he has found love again and someone to share his life with.

    And that you wish them all the love and happiness their hearts can hold.  

    Whatever you say I am sure it will be beautiful and your dad will appreciate it.  

    Know that your mom will be proud of you and your ability to think of your dad's happiness even though your heart is not 100% in it.

    I am sure she will be there with you in spirit.

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