
Need help with my essay?

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"Examine the ways in which racism and discrimination may affect the achievement of pupils from ethnic minority backgrounds?"

Completely stuck on how to start it and what to write! Please help! x




  1. Are you in h.s. or college? You need to find out what databases you have access to and the best way is to either talk to your librarian or check the library's website. Many college/university libraries have websites that will include research guides by topics like psychology or sociology and direct you to databases that can help. You might also look in education databases for relevant articles. If in high school, you will still have access to resources that have articles or books listed. If you have a public library nearby, that's another great place to try.

    Check your textbook, if you have one, for good references as well.

    I looked in a book database and here's one possible book to look for:

    Still not equal : expanding educational opportunity in society / edited by M. Christopher Brown II ; with assistance from RoSusan D. Bartee ; foreword by Michael L. Lomax.

    There's a free education database you could check out.  It doesn't have a lot of full text, though. It's called ERIC (link below)

    As far as what to write, you could look at school segregation or literature on teacher attitudes and assumptions and how that hurts students.  It's a big topic -- you'll even find stuff if you search Google.

    Good luck!

  2. When you write an essay, don't think of it as "figuring out the first sentence, then the second" etc.

    First, think about the question. Make a lot of notes -- what are ways racism can affect minority students? Brainstorm with yourself. At first, don't worry if what you put is nutty. Evaluate later.

    Then look that over, do whatever reading or research your may need.

    Figure out what you're going to say before you start actually composing the thing. Organize those ideas. Get rid of the ones you can't back up or explain, or that are loony.

    THEN start writing.

  3. omg

    How simple is that!

    If someone hates you because of your skin color, how easy is is to become the president of the world!. Hasn't happened yet.

    Black people have been here in America as long as white people but look at our status, and its by design not choice.

    Separate but equal, yeah right...

    Worst schools, low expectation, worst grocery stores, worst supplies, worst books. How can you have the same or better performance when your supplies are inferior.

  4. Well, luckily sociology is all about opinion.

    So, what do YOU think?

    How do you think you would feel if you were treated differenty due to your nationality/skin colour/ religion/hair etc.?

    Basically, just write your points (how people may be affected eg. poor school work, fighting, etc.) then write why they may feel this way, and give examples (real or made up) of some situations, maybe  explain them. If you're stuck for an opener, just re word the question -I use it everytime!

    And finish with a conclusion (the biggest/most important way racism can affect pupil's achievement).

    Hope that helps -don't worry, your teacher is probably looking for opinion, and backing it up with why you think this -it's like expressing your thoughts on the matter.

    Good Luck! = )

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