
Need help with my life!?

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im very confused with my school life! im a spohmore right now and i just started school and im really stressing about college.. my goal is to get into uc davis..iv got high classes right now but not sure if i can get a great gpa like 4.0 maybe a 3.3.. someone told me that during the summer i should take classes in ohlonie and that will save me money and almost garantee my acceptance if i get a 3.0 or above?? im up to doing comunity service and hospitals but i have recenlty quite the football team too much stress. so my questions are should i go to ohlonie, what should my goal be on SAT, should i keep football, should i do community service at a hospital?? or would it be best after high school to go to a 2 year college than transfer? help please and im wanting to get a good paid job in medical any tips on that too?




  1. going to a community college for 2 years and then transfering will save u a lot of money, but if money isnt a worry for you then just go to a university.

    UC Davis will be hard to get into. also consider how they run the school. davis goes by quarters. so that means everything will go fast. which also means a lot of more stress due to fast finals.

    BUT you still have time to think about that stuff, your only a sophmore. i didnt think about that stuff when i was a sophmore. start worrying about this when you start your senior year. your just asking for stress because you are thinking about this wayy to early.  

  2. Its good to have a plan, but you have to realize you are only a sophomore so its highly likely those plans may change, even in the smallest ways.

    Honestly, your best bet is community college for 2 years then transfer only because there are 2 years of classes that you have to take regardless for the degree you want and community college is so much cheaper and gives you a good transition from high school to going away to college so it doesn't all just happen. Even if you are not so much worried about money, its obvious you are worried about stress.

    Also, you have to realize you can do whatever you want once you put your mind to it. You can't limit yourself. Don't say " I can't get a 4.0, maybe a 3.3. " Never reduce yourself to anything less than the best. The first step is to just breathe, think about the immediate future [ adjusting to school being back in, your next test, studying and getting your best grades possible ] but don't put all this stress on yourself or you will end up paying for it in the end.  

  3. if i would u i will keep all. all u have to do is plan out ur schedule.GOOD LUCK, u can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!and keep ur head up!

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