I have 2 small fantail goldfish and 2 little leopard danios living harmoniously together in a 40 litre tank. Skate - the eldest who I have had since christmas, has recently been doing a lot of bottom sitting. He sits with his back floating up a bit, and when I walk into the room and catch him doing it he springs back up and swims normally again. I read that is sounds like Fluke...does anyone have any more information to give me on what fluke is as some of the symptoms don't match Skate, like the streaks aorund the gills and etc. The only symptom I can see is the sinking. I know its not swim bladder because he doesn't look weak at all and as I mentioned swims fine when disturbed, Does anyone have any personal experience or knowledge on this, and if it sounds like fluke, can I get the fluke tablets from anywhere and how much do they cost? Thanks for your time