
Need help with out of BODY experiences...?

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Are they the same as Astral Projection and how do I remember them. How do I go about it?




  1. Out of my league, L.P.

  2. Yes, it's the same. First, you should understand we are made of many bodies, all of them controlled by a central intelligence, or self. Like an onion, you may discard a body and go on with the other layer. This happens when you leave your material body controlling your perispirit, that is an exact double of the body you left behind. When you travel, you take an amount of energy, according to what you will remember the event or not. But there is a method that will help you, the 21 days method. During this period, everytime you enter a room, ask yourself "Am I sleeping or awake? How do I know?" This is the main problem, in dreams you think you're awake and lose the chance to control your body. There are many hints you are awake out of your body. For instance, when you're dreaming, your "eye" is like a camera, you don't carry a body. Things aren't real. You may read the headlines of a newspaper twice, three times, and the news will always be different. Or the newspaper turns into something else. Your mind works linking ideas. You may read "WAR!", then appear in the battlefield by association. BUT, if you're travelling, the newpaper is REAL and won't change. So, if you ask yourself "Am I awake?" in front of a newsstand, the headlines won't change. Other hint: as long as you're just dreaming, you aren't in your body. So you can't see your hands or feet. But, if you're in an OOBE, yes, you can see your perispiritual hands and feet. There are one thousand differences that you may explore during the 21 days. Waldo Vieira grants that you WILL remember one OOBE during the period. But there are other methods. Try reading all Patricia Garfield's books, mainly Creative Dreaming. She has a website and her books may be found there. Oh, yes, there is no reason to fear, you are indestructible like Superman without kriptonite. You can go anywhere in the Universe, because the silver chord that links you to your body can't be cut. And if you want to return immediately to your body, just mention your own name. Good luck, and when you want to make an astral travel, fly American Airlines!

  3. I think they are the same as Astral Projection.You can probably find a book on how to do it.I really can't tell you how I did it because I only did it once and it was an accident.It was like I hypnotized myself.Thanks for bringing it up,you have renewed my interest.

  4. yes they are, astral projection is a side effect of a OBE, you just have to remember them, and dont try it, theres worse things than death and alot of it can be done through leaving your body

  5. There are some really good ways of acheiving astral projection.There are two things involved.One is meditation and the other is sound.Another is sight.A low picthed humming sound in both ears during meditation help with Astral projection.Another thing i have noticed is speed.If your mind see something that resembels a simlar speed and trajectory as astral travel you will automaticly go into astral travel if you meditating.This nearly happened to me twice watching the tv series stargate.Watching the speed of the vortex tunnel travlin though space rembels the speed and trajectory of astral travel.While watching that images for only a few seconds nearly sent me into astral travel.I guess if i had watched that image for longer like five minutes instead of eight seconds i know i would have went into astral travel.

  6. Ive always been able to astral naturally, and unexpected....

    A couple of weeks ago, i came across a program that uses Binaural beats to induce an OBE....I tryed it, but didnt do it properly, but i did have some results from it...more of a distorion..But then made it stop....If you want try this....

    There are many different types of beats you can listen to, but if i were you find the Out of body experience one.....

    Here is a list of peoples experiences, on all the different ones..  

    I think this might be the site where you can download a free trial..  

    But instead of going out and buying them if you have a music download program, like limewire or frostwire you can get them for free from there, and put them onto a cd for yourself...just punch in ...i-doser, under music....

    It sure does do something...i found it did not work while i listened to it, but rather took its effect while i fell asleep...quite interesting it was...but you must listen to it through head phones, and they go for about half an have to concentrate on the beat of it...and it kind of gets you lost in it.....

  7. OOBE is when your body is aware of the projection witch for me is more amazing then regular one cause it's more real

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