
Need help with pain on the right side of stomach i am not sure what it can be i did have pancreas surgery in m

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i have pain in my right stomache its on the right but the bellybutton is at about the same height does anyone know what that could be? were is the liver? appendix is lower gallbladder? i had pancreas surgery in march but its not in the same spot help




  1. The appendix is on the right side but it is about 2 inches below the belly button and on the right side. If you had appendicitis you would have other symptoms such as diarrhea and pain that will not go away even if you try a heating pad and pain killers. I had appendicitis and I was also cold with the chills. I do not know much about the gallbladder or pancreas. If the pain does not go away in an hour or two you should go to the emergency room and get it looked at. It may be something serious and the hospital can run blood work and other tests to diagnosis you.

  2. That sounds a lot like pregnancy...

    Ruh Roh

    I'll send you my old baby clothes.

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