
Need help with science!!! Please help me out.?

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1. List some examples of water damage and how humans try to prevent damage.

Information: floods, avalanches and tsunami. And I also know how human try to prevent these damages.

I need more examples. Can you give me some more and also tell me how humans to prevent those?

2. Do any of the ways in which humans try to prevent damage caused by water create other problems? Select few examples and discuss.

Information: Humans try to prevent floods by building levees and dikes. I just know two.But I don't know how levees and dikes create problems. But I can tell you how peole build them. Here:

Levees, long walls of earth, are built along the banks parallel to a river. They are designed to keep the river contained during flooding.

Dikes protect land that has been reclaimed from the ocean. Poeple also bulid dikes around their houses and towns when a flood threatens.

Thats all I know. Except this, I need more examples and how they create problems.

Please help me!!!




  1. The entire Tennessee Valley Authority project list is an attempt of people to control water damage from floods.  In addition, they were able to use the mountain waters to generate electricity.

    Boat harbors are another example where waters are controlled.  You never see a harbor with a huge opening.  Why?  To keep the wave action out of the harbor.   By doing this, people can keep their boats secured without fear of sinking due to wave action.

    Examples where people's intervention makes things worse:  The Atchafayala basin in Louisiana.  This area was fed by flood waters from the Mississippi River.  When the US Army Corps of Engineers installed levees around the Mississippi River, the source water that fed the basin dried up and now it is shrinking annually.

    The Salton Sea in California is another example of where people really messed things up.

  2. IF this is homework,I'm not gonna let u cheat.

  3. Asking for help on homework is not cheating.

    1) Some other examples of water damage include: costal erosion, sinkholes, rotting, and corrosion.

    Prevention measures:

    Flooding: levees, dikes, dams, pumping stations, storm drains.

    Costal erosion: Breakwaters, erosion barriers, beach replacement.

    Sink holes: No effective preventive measures exist.

    Rot: Wood preservative, paint, building techniques to prevent moisture accumulation like eaves on houses.

    Corrosion: Galvanizing, paint, sacrificial electrodes. Anodizing, cadmium plating. Electroplating.

    2. Problems created by prevention measures:

    Dams harm migrating fish like salmon.

    Dikes and Levees damage wetlands by preventing natural flooding.

    Storm drains can release untreated sewage during storms.

    Breakwaters and erosion can cause redirect erosion to other areas causing problems there.

    Beach replacement is very expensive and might damage organisms living in sand.

    Wood preservatives are mostly toxic and can poison people and wild life.

    Paint used to contain toxic materials like lead, which has poisoned children.

    Electroplating is a toxic process and causes severe local pollution.

    Some materials used to plate like cadmium are very toxic.

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