
Need help with shooting form cant shoot from any distence?

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Need help with shooting form cant shoot from any distence?




  1. Pretend like you have a lemon in your hand (the ball) and when your about to shoot, your fingers should be spread apart (like your holding up the number 5),and when you release the ball your wrist should be straight, or pointed at the goal and your fingers should no longer be spread far apart, but close together

  2. Get power from your legs, and thrust forward. You can also aim at like an 80 degree angle instead of 90 and work on your form from there

  3. first your legs snd feet should be pointing toward the basket, second you want your arms to be as close to 90 degrees as possible. you also want to make sure that your arms are lined up with your legs.

  4. What up Ben,

    A big part of it is how you catch the ball- and then you need to square up in the triple threat position.  You need the space and you can get power from your legs... it's not the easiest to describe- you can perhaps check it out in a book or get a video to see it- but i find a lot of people have no power on their shot because their footwork is bad.

    Hope that helps.  Kindly,


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