
Need help with son asap

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my son is 10 and very angrey he hits his sisters and one min.happy and the next very angrey what can i do to fix this i tryed med but it did not work please help




  1. Drugs are not the answer... You need to enforce discapline, teach him to show respect, which he seems to lack, show him you are the dominant position of the household and you lay the rules, Search various sites for mental dicapline stratagies, i hope everything will be ok. But i strongly disgaree in using drugs as a method to this solution they normally cause many more problems than they solve.

  2. spank him, lock him in his room.. or start him on a reward system.. everytime he does something really good.. he'll get a check mark on a dryerase board or something.. and if he hits his sisters or misbehaves he loses a check mark, for every 10-15 checkmarks he has at the end of the week he gets a toy or gets to have a movie of his choice rented or something like that. good luck.

  3. The next time he does this send him to his room and leave him there for five minutes. Then go in and talk about it with him. Tell him you aare going to spank him and hard you are tired of this and he has gone too far. Lay him over your lap with with undies lowered and spank him double his age. Tell him you are sorry and hug and kiss him and tell him you love him and then go on as if nothing has happend. Hope this helped!

  4. Watch Supernanny. Great source of advice.

    On the other hand, spank your child.  It may be condoned and put in a light that is wrong, but spanking your child produces results.  

    For instance, I have seen children who were spanked (not abused, and yes there is a difference!) as children turn into relatively decent or great human beings.  Children who are not spanked as children are agressive, angry, abusive (at times), spoiled, whiny...the list could go on.  

  5. Don't let him hit.

    Engage him and motivate him, but also be the authority over him.  Punish him in creative ways.  Solitude, denial, monitoring, work, exercise.

    Plan control and direct.

    It's more you than him causing this, and you can both improve.

    Expect it of him and you.

  6. If this was my child we would be going to therapy.   One - to find out why he is so angry.   Two- so that he learns to deal with his anger.   Three - so I could learn how to deal with him.   I would only use meds a last resort.    

  7. Drugs are never the answer to behavioral issues. The fact that they didn't work proves it. It's an easy way out lots of folks try but it's really dumping chemicals into a little kid for no reason,

    He needs, and perhaps did not get, consistent discipline growing up. Time to start with it.

    If he gets all dramatic and moody, send his butt to his room, with no toys and electronics, for the rest of the night. If he hits his sister, give him a swift smack on the butt.

    He'll continue as long as he is allowed to get away with it or the punishment is worth it. Time to crack down on his spoiled little azz. Tell his sisters in front of him the next time he hits, you're not going to see it if they kick him in the pants.

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