
Need help with the colors for my wedding reception what color best fits a fall wedding ?

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I need help with what colors to pick for the linen of the reception. I told the banquet manager that i wanted the color champagne for the table and chocolate Brown for the napkins. what else could look better




  1. Oh, dear, if you are conservative, I'm the wrong person to ask! Brown and champagne would be classy, but I would get some color there also. Burnt orange is a deep rich color that goes so well with chocolate and champagne. Could you have a stripe or a napkin accent with that color? What color[s] are your centerpiece? Pick out one color, and use that on the table, too. Maby some beads across the napkin, or a third color on the menus. Might even tie a ribbon or some beads around a candle in that 3rd color.

    Me, I would have the brown cloth,  burnt orange napkins, pick one color out of the bouquet for a table accent, then go nuts with the bouquet centerpiece, mostly have burnt orange, but also that deep rich red, purple, gold, and green and champagne.

    My maids would hate me, 'cause somebody would be wearing each of those colors.

    My friends used to sigh with relief when I said that I wanted pink or red at my wedding, knowing they would  not have to suffer that agony. Bet they would run screaming if I mentioned the fall idea!


       The Fun Of Choosing The Right Fall Wedding Colors

    Fall weddings have been growing in popularity recently, and part of the appeal just may be the plethora of fall wedding colors that are available to make the wedding even more beautiful and memorable.

    Finding the right fall wedding colors need not be difficult, but as with all aspects of wedding planning it pays to start looking early.

    The Fall Wedding Colors Will Be Dictated By the Bride And The Groom

    There are of course many ways to choose the perfect fall wedding colors, and in many ways the choice of fall wedding colors will be dictated by the personal tastes of the bride and groom.

    The wedding is after all their party, and it is important that both the bride and groom find fall wedding colors they enjoy.

    Coordinate The Colors Of The Fall Wedding

    One of the best ways to find the best fall wedding colors for the decorations, flowers, table linens, flatware and other items is to take a close look at the colors of the bridesmaid gowns and wedding gown.

    If the wedding is to take place in the fall, chances are good that the bridesmaid gowns will be in shades of fall wedding colors, and it is a good idea to choose flowers and decorations that compliment and blend well with those colors.

    It is not necessary to choose the same fall wedding colors but it is important that the colors you choose work well together.

    Using A Swatch To Ensure The Colors Match

    It is important to keep the fall wedding colors you have chosen in mind carefully as you shop for each element of the wedding.

    For instance, it is a good idea to consider the fall wedding colors you are using for the table linens and decorations as you shop for the flowers.

    There are so many wonderful fall wedding colors for flowers that the hardest part may be choosing only a few complimentary colors.

    Having a picture or color swath available will make it a great deal easier to find the perfect colors for your needs.

    To receive 7 free reports that can help you plan the perfect wedding...

    Everything You Need To Know To Plan A Perfect Wedding

    My Wedding Companion software will make planning your wedding easier for you. It will help you save time by helping you to organize every aspect of your wedding.

    Plus, it will ultimately help you to save money because it includes everything you will need to know to plan the perfect wedding day. Tips and ideas to plan a perfect wedding...

  3. cream and pumpkin orange.

  4. i'm doing a fall wedding because those colours compliment me best.  We are using burnt orange, probably accented with some chocolate browns (like some brown napkins or something small to highlight the orange a bit more, kind of like what you are doing) deep greens will work too.  Think of leaves turning colours and everything else you associate with fall and think of those colours. that's what I did.

    EDIT: check out and sign up (its free) they have plenty of ideas sorted by colour. I was actually JUST looking at the orange ones when I read this. lol.  But they have so many.  people post their own wedding photos so you can get an idea of what REAL weddings look like not just posed ones.

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