
Need help with the hitting approach in volleyball.?

by Guest61640  |  earlier

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Our team uses the left right left approach, and I can never get it right. when I'm doing it alone, with out the ball, I can do it. But when I am hitting with the ball all I focus on is getting it over, and not my approach. I want to make the team in a few months, but i need to get hitting the ball with my approach down. I go to volleyball conditioning every day and we work on spiking all the time, but i cant seem to get it right. Any suggestions?




  1. well you could run up to it and when it's the right time hit it

  2. You have to time the left-right-leftright approach correctly. Volleyball is an explosion sport. You are worrying too much about getting the feet pattern down.

    I usually start by taking 1 left step slowly, 1 right step also slowly, and while watching the ball, and the placement of where it is in the air, you can explode with your left-right-jump to meet the ball and slam it.

    Don't forget to swing your arms back, as you will generate more power into your hit this way.

    I also angle my body away from the court, and make a sorta half circle approach. Watching the ball hit the apex is when you should be exploding

    **knowing your vertical also helps in making the right timing**

    Hope this helped =D

  3. When I learned my approach, I was like crazy jumping on/off campus all the time, swinging on my door frame... you might want to practice your approach more frequently without the ball (but hopefully with someone watching you).

    It takes time to get used to that left-right-left, and swinging your arm back and up, but eventually you will get there. Don't give yourself too much excuse of not doing it.

    It could ruin your "career" if you don't get it right "now", let's put it this way and see whether the extra presure from me would make it work :)

  4. i had the same thing. i kept practicing without a ball remember left, right left jump.

    i got it down as something just clicked in my brain and it became a whole lot easier

  5. ok well i had the same exact problem. so what i did was i do the approach with and without the ball. i do the approach when the ball leaves the setters hand (timing is crucial). when it leaves the setters hands, then you will be able to do your approach and put dowh the ball. dont worry about how hard you hit the ball until your technique is down. the ball can already be at the ground just keep practicing with the ball and as you keep going, then you will get better at it to where you can do it in your sleep. so then you can focus on start slamming the ball =]

  6. i would, but we use the right left right left...where the last two steps ground your feet.

  7. I use to have the same problem so my coach had me video tape me hitting a ball so i could see what i was doing wrong, aslo on the tape there was another player who was doing it exactly right, ANd another thing that could help is put some tape on the grounf and start with your right foot forward remember to be low so you get alot of momentum and do the left right left and your feet should end up on the line still. Another thing that could help is saying it in your head left      right-left.

    Hope i helped. Good luck.

  8. When you hit, repeat "left, right, left'' in your head every time. Also, practice at home all the time and soon it will be your natural instinct.

    My coach once told me that this guy who was a right handed hitter would always approach as a left handed hitter and his coach told him that if he couldn't fix it that it would put him at a disadvantage. So the guy would walk in the right handed approach until try outs and he did it perfectly.

    Now you might not have to walk around like that if you constantly do your approach at home.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  9. When i was first learning how to approach i had the same problem i was focused on the ball instead of my foot work, so what my coach had me do was she tossed the ball like a set and i approached but didnt pay attention to the ball and just did my approach like i was hitting it of course my timing was off but once you get the approach timing kinda tags along with it.

  10. yeah my coach always tells me to count, its 1, 2, 3, 4.  left, right, together, up. I can't do it going straight at the net, i have to go at my approach at an angle. that might help you to :) GOOD LUCK! You'll eventually get it.

  11. The same thing happened to me.

    Now, I can hit with my approach. I think after awhile, it just connects.

    To start off, I would not even think about getting the ball over. I would just focus on my approach. Then after you feel comfotable, add in your armswing and such.

    Practice your approach constintly without a ball. Your muscles will soon memorize it.

    Now, my approach is completely natural. Like I don't have to think about it. I just do it.

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