
Need help with the two World Wars of the 20th Century.

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In what ways did each of the two world wars of the 20th century reshape the world politically, economically, and ideologically?




  1. world war one brought about communism it also really began alliances among countries  

  2. Politically, the First World War was never resolved completely. Many of the new countries in Central Europe such as Czechoslovakia, Austria, Yugoslavia and Poland created out of the Austrian and Russian empires were weak and unable to defend themselves, making them enticing targets. This problem only became worse when the Great Depression set in, and when Hitler came to power.

    Although the First World War did not massively change the configuration of world politics beyond destroying the German, Austrian, Ottoman and Russian Empires (the Tsar's failed war effort was one of the reason's why the Russian Revolution was popularly supported), it did produce a boost to the economy that led into the Roaring Twenties. This prosperity was not shared by Germany, which while it became fully democratic, was burdened by the obligation to pay war reparations and hyperinflation. Combined with the double whammy of the Great Depression, Germany's poverty contributed to the rise of Hitler as a popular leader.

    The Second World War resulted in the division of the world into capitalist, communist, and later non-aligned blocs. It caused the division of Germany and the imposition of communism in Korea and Eastern Europe, as well as China. Britain and France faded as the two great powers to be replaced by the US and USSR. This state of affairs continued until about 1990 and while it existed, was thought of as being more or less permanent.

    While the Second World War devastated Europe and Asia economically, both these areas recovered quickly. The Marshall Plan got Western Europe going again. Between 1945 and 1952, Europe's economy grew at the fastest rate in its history despite the Cold War tensions and difficulties following the war. Likewise, the US economy was pulled out of the Great Depression by the need to produce armaments in vast quantities. Thus, the Second World War left the world arguably more stable and prosperous than before it began.

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