
Need help with these last physics questions please. thank you :)?

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Objects acquire a charge through the transfer of:





2: The weight of an object depends on _______ and the ______ of the object.

Acceleration due to gravity, velocity

Acceleration due to gravity, mass

Velocity, position

Velocity, charge

3: Two charges are separated by 3.0 cm. Object A has a charge of +6.0 micro-coulombs and object B has a charge of +3.0 micro-coulombs. What is the force on object A?

2.6 x 102 N in the x direction

2.6 x 102 N in the y direction

1.8 x 102 N in the x direction

1.8 x 102 N in the y direction

4: Which has the lowest energy?

Ultraviolet rays

Gamma rays

Radio waves


5: In a parallel circuit, five resistors of values 20 ohms, 15 ohms, 5 ohms, 35 ohms, and 25 ohms are considered. What is the equivalent resistance of the entire circuit?

2.6 ohms

0.8 ohms

0.4 ohms

1.3 ohms

6: The sum of the electric potential difference around a closed loop circuit is zero. This is called:

Ohm’s law

Kirchoff’s voltage law

Coulomb’s law

Newton’s 2nd law

7: Absolute zero is also:

0 F

0 C

-273.15 C

-273.15 F

8: The rate of doing work is called:





9: In a series circuit, four resistors of values 75 ohms, 10 ohms, 20 ohms, and 15 ohms are considered. What is the equivalent resistance of the entire circuit?

210 Ohms

2.25 x 105 Ohms

60 Ohms

120 Ohms

10: A punter whishes to kick a ball as far as he can. His kick should be closest to what angle to achieve this:




None of the above




  1. ill tell u some >.)


    electron if im not wrong

    no. 7

    answer is -273.15 C

    no. 8 power

    im too lazy to read the rest

    good luck

  2. 1-electrons

    2-acceleration due the gravity ----mass

    3-F= 1/3 micro N

    4-Radio waves


    6-Kirchof"s voltage law

    7-(-273.15 C)


    9-120 ohms

    10- 45 (0)

  3. Objects acquire a charge through the transfer of:


    2: The weight of an object depends on _______ and the ______ of the object.

    Acceleration due to gravity, mass

    3: Two charges are separated by 3.0 cm. Object A has a charge of +6.0 micro-coulombs and object B has a charge of +3.0 micro-coulombs. What is the force on object A?

    1.8 x 10^2 N in the y direction (repulsion)

    4: Which has the lowest energy?

    Radio waves

    5: In a parallel circuit, five resistors of values 20 ohms, 15 ohms, 5 ohms, 35 ohms, and 25 ohms are considered. What is the equivalent resistance of the entire circuit?

    2.6 ohms

    6: The sum of the electric potential difference around a closed loop circuit is zero. This is called:

    Kirchoff’s voltage law

    7: Absolute zero is also:

    -273.15 C

    8: The rate of doing work is called:


    9: In a series circuit, four resistors of values 75 ohms, 10 ohms, 20 ohms, and 15 ohms are considered. What is the equivalent resistance of the entire circuit?

    120 Ohms

    10: A punter whishes to kick a ball as far as he can. His kick should be closest to what angle to achieve this:


  4. (1)Electrons

    (2)Acceleration due to gravity, mass

    (3)F=K q1 q2 \ d^2

    k is coulomb's constant =  Nm^2\C^2

    the charge is measured in micro coulombs so you convert to coulombs by multipling by 10^ -6

    and convert centimeters to meters by multipling by 1\100

    F=(9*10^9)*(6*10^ -6)*(3*10^ -6) \ (0.03)^2 =180 N =1.8 x 102 N in the y direction

    (4)Radio waves


    (5)It's parallel circuit so 1\R' = 1\R1 + 1\R2 + 1\R3 + 1\R4 + 1\R5

    1\R' = 1\20+ 1\15+ 1\5 +1\35 +1\25=809\2100

    so R' = 2100\809 =2.596 ohms approximatley 2.6 ohms

    (6)Kirchoff’s voltage law

    (7)-273.15 C   (As K = C + 273)


    (9)series circuit R' = R1 + R2+ R3+ R4 =75+10+20+15 = 120 Ohms

    (10) 45°

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