
Need help with trivia questions please.?

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1). There are three bridges which connect Manhattan with Brooklyn, across the East River. One of them is, of course, the Brooklyn Bridge. Can you name the other two?

2). What does a transitive verb require to complete its meaning? give an example

3).What Federal agency regulates transportation and commerce on Lake Tahoe?




  1. #1 is The Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge and the Williamsburg Bridge

    #2 is a verb that requires a direct object such as, "The shelf holds books" as compared to "The shelf holds"

    #3 US Department of Trans?

  2. 1. Verazanno(sp)-Narrows and George Washington

    3. DOT

  3. 3.  US Coast Guard

  4. The Brooklyn, Williamsburg,  and the Manhattan Bridges.  Farther north is the Midtown tunnel, the Queensborough bridge and the Triboro.   Do not forget that the Brooklyn Battery tunnel also connects lower Manhattan with Brooklyn.  All cross the East River.

    A transitive verb requires an object. ("She eats fish.", "Mike hunts deer.")

    Djaca70 is wrong on both counts.  The Verranzano does not connect to Manhattan and the George Washington joins Manhattan to New Jersey.  Wrong State, wrong river.

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