
Need help with wifes new social and citizenship

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my wife became a citizen about 3 years ago and obtained legal documents and social security number,however she was using a social she thought was good since she came into the states about 18 years ago. she had accounts,loans and property under that social. when she recieved her new social she called several places to let them know of the change and then problems started occuring like her car loan said shes given a fraudulant number to obtain the loan..shes just trying to make everything legal without any problems. so if you have any ideas or input on this situation plz let me know so i can help her. thanx




  1. If she had obtained her SS card without fraud, then her SSN should remain valid forever.  Why would she apply for a 'new' SSN if she already had a valid one?

  2. I'll be honest, you and your wife need to see an attorney.  If you can find one that handles cases of identity theft and identity fraud all the better.

  3. How did your wife obtain the first SSN?  If she had an SSN, how did she wind up getting a second one after she became a citizen?  From the info here, it appears that she was using a false, forged or stolen SSN.  

    This is identity theft, a major felony, and also fraud if she got a loan, etc. by using that false/forged/stolen SSN.  She may be facing very serious criminal charges, and if that first SSN was indeed false/forged/stolen, she is guilty and her only hope is a good attorney plea bargaining for a reduced sentence, or plead guilty to one major charge if she used that SSN for a series of car loans over the years, or more than one credit card, for example.

    She needs an attorney, a good criminal attorney, in a hurry.  This is going to be expensive.  If that first SSN was false, forged or stolen, there is no easy way out and if anyone presses fraud charges, she is going to prison for quite a number of years.

  4. fake id? tsk tsk...but I think she'll still get  her $$, if its anothers real # you have a big problem...

  5. Sounds like fraud to me.

    Did she pay taxes under the old SS?

    If not, BIG problem!

    When you try to be slick it always gets you.

    Hire a lawyer and get ready.

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