
Need help with wild baby bunny!?!?

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i have a wild baby bunny that i believe to be less than 7 days old....he has a full coat of fur but is still tiny and eyes are closed....i already know its better off with its mother and about calling the pros but for now all i can do is care for it....i called my local vet and he said goat milk from the store dilluted with water should work and i have him in a plastic box with pieces of a bed comforter and a heating pad underneath...he moves around, licks himself and scratches ears he seems fine...i tried to help him digest with warm cottonball twice but nothing yet and was able to get a few drops in his mouth....sometimes when hes just laying there he twitches a lot is this normal and of course hes extremely jumpy when i handle him i dont want him to die...can i keep him alive this way?




  1. Unfortunately no you probably won't be able to keep him alive. Numerous times I have tried to rescue baby bunnies (I live on a farm and it's seems like we find an abonded nest all the time.) Just keep doing what the vet said and maybe you'll  have success. But I wouldn' get your hopes up. They do best in the wild.  

  2. You might be able to. Just keep trying to comfort it and feed it. You can call the vet again for some other suggestions they may have.

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