Hi, I need some advice about my job
I have been there for around 6 months now
It is mostly girls..there is this one girl who is older than me and I am drawn to her not in a sexual way but more as a parent figure..I have talked to her before about a few of my problems as I'm not close to my mom and I told her about me being sexually abused which is true..my question is how much should i tell her, should i keep doing it..she is happy enough to let me open to her...but do you think that it will bite me in the bum one day...the feeling she gives towards me is that she wants to protect me..some of the things that I've told her were about me being pregnant and having a miscarriage...a few weeks ago, my friend died in a car crash and I am absolutely lost without her, she has looked after me getting me to write a letter to her explaining how i was feeling, I got her to read it :) she said she felt a bit wrong reading it and I'm now afraid of overloading her, i know it doesn't seem like a big problem but it is to me can anyone share any experiences or good advice ??
How do I tackle this, do I keep talking to her or give her a break or do i ask her how she's feeling?
smart **** comments not appreciated !!
sorry for reposting :)