
Need help your opinion????!!!!!?

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ok so i have to do this oral report thing so in your opinion should kids eatm every thing on thier plat e and that is givn to them? and wat are some good affects to your answer and the bad affects of your answer be anest




  1. With the issues of obesity, what is being put on children's plates ??? The development of a good pallet is important, so everything should at least be tried.

  2. Kids SHOULD eat everything that is given them.  Only on the behalf that the portions are dispense in ref. to the child's age and the amt he can eat.  

    Also if the food on his plate is healthy foods. Not junk.  if its hamburgers and fries and cakes all the time then I wouldn't blame the kid for not wanting it all!  lol  But, if its veggies and fruits and good stuff...then if he gets full fast then I could understand.

    It's all up to the parent and how they provide the food.

    Love Sky.....(hope this was good)!  :-0

  3. a child should eat everything on their plate if it is given to them in a child's portion. if it is something they ave never eaten then a peice to try not a portion to eat. my kids have to try everything on the table at least once. if they dont like it they dont ever have to eat it. a rule in my house is if its on your plate you eat it but dont serve yourself so much you cant finish it.. you can always ask for seconds if your still hungry. always try to serve healthy foods when can.. my rule is if ya dont like whats served there is soup and sandwiches you are on your own.  the good effects are that they will develope a good sense of trying new things. but on the other hand if never made to try it again it is possible to miss out on something good later on. taste buds and taste change over time and what you dont like as a child you may love as an adult. or vice versa. like when a smoker quits smoking... their change taste becase their taste buds come more alive. my hubby likes liver and gravey i like the liver so we comprimise i cook it take out my portion and then fix the gravey with te rest. and neither of my kids like it so i have extra stuff in the cabinet or burgers for them.

  4. No.

    First, what's given them might be more food that in good for them.

    Second, it's wrong to force kids to eat things they really hate.

    Third, it's wrong to expect a kid to eat something they are allergic to.

  5. They should eat everything given to them.  If there is too much food, then obviously they might not be able to eat it all and that is ok.

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