
Need idea to kill roaches?

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I live in Indiana. I had (and have) a lot of cockroaches in my house for about 4 months for which my apartment office "Bombed" the house. The problem got reduced but still exists.

As part of finding a good school for my daughter, I had to move my house to another apartment in the same city. I manually ensured that no cockroaches travel with me in my boxes. But within a day in my new apartment, I see a lot of cockroaches. (This new apartment did not have cockroaches at all before my move-in.)

I need to get rid of cockroaches in my new house at an early stage. What is the way out.

In my old house, I used items like Raid Spray, Bugout spray, Raid bait stations, etc but that does not have a 100% result. I am tired of using sprays now.

While in India, I used Baygon granules which I can leave on the floor...and the next ALL (100%) roaches are dead. That seems to be a simple idea for me.

Is there a similar product available in US.




  1. GS the best way to eliminate roaches in your house is first remove their food supply.  Clean up all food crumbs and liquid spills.  Pay close attention under microwave, refrigerator, and kitchen range.  Next buy hotshot Ant and Roach killer and a package of Roach motels , spray around baseboards, under and behind refrigerator, kitchen sink.  When your done spraying place roach motels in dark places in your kitchen, under Fridge, Stove, Micro, in Cabinets, and under sink.  Repeat your spraying each week.  you will soon be roach free.

  2. You would need to clean your kitchen thoroughly as possible. You will need to clean behind the stove and Fridge

    inside all cabinets and drawers.

    I had the same issue once I cleaned the whole place with bleach and hot water after I did the fummigating the roaches were gone. haven't had a roach problem since.

  3. Borax  My mom made balls with borax and some other things and we have not have not had roaches since.  I believe I got the recipe from Good Houskeeping.  Just sprinkling it around your doors and walls they will bring it back to the nest. It kills them.

  4. Boric Acid powder.  Put in specifically dark areas and especially in the kitchen.  Those bait boxes work too. Sparys only seem to work if you spay right on the roach. Three things to remember, Roaches do not like light, they want food and they want water.  Take away what they need.

  5. buy some boric acid and mix it with flour and sugar and eggs  to make dough balls  the roaches will eat them and die.  also keep the house very clean by vacuuming and sweeping very often

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