
Need ideas for a birthday gift for a married woman but friend of >30 years.?

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I need ideas for a birthday gift (<$50) that I can send to a woman whom I've know for more than 30 years.

We are 1,000 miles apart but communicate all the time. She tells me of her family & what she's doing & I do the same.

I do not have a sister, but she is about I think as good as it could be to having a close sister. There is love between us.

This lady is happily married, with nearly a dozen children, a nice husband--although I've never met him.

I want the gift to make her smile, her heart feel good, happy-it to say how much she & our friendship means--she's pulled me through hard times, given me love when no one else would, cared & cares, stayed by me when I've been down, always trying to get me to laugh and be happy. She writes things to make me laugh, cheer up, she is supportive and loving. she's gentle, nice, musical, a better person you couldn't ask for. --yes, many years ago we dated & stupid me, I let her go. But the friendship has continued. We both are happy about that. We reconnected, about 20 years ago, and the friendship hasn't stopped--it never really did..

It's walking a tight rope though. I respect her marriage. She is happy and I am glad. At any time though, her husband can tell her to stop communications. I don't want to do anything that he would take as being a threat, or cause her trouble, but still want the gift to be super happy, nice, beautiful, show care and make her smile. --everything a man would give a sweetheart, except she isn't, and I do not want to do anything to put our friendship in jeopardy or make her husband feel threatened. Any specific recommendations of what I can give? --If I could, I'd send her a dozen roses, but something like that, although making her happy would probably make her husband uneasy & get her into trouble. So what do I do. And a card, just isn't enough.




  1. Wow, sounds like you love this woman.

  2. get her a male prostitute

  3. Buy here a bottle of red wine.

  4. A Scrap Book of pictures of both of you....or an Olive Garden Gift Card.

  5. gift card for a bookstore

  6. Get her something that reflects something that she loves...if she writes, get her a nice journal, etc. What sorts of things is she into? Oh and if I were you I&#039;d leave out all the &quot;mush&quot; from a card...even though it&#039;s pretty obvious that you care about her. That may make a husband raise an eyebrow.........

  7. In this cases you really can&#039;t do a lot and I being a woman and married I would advice you a discret card that dosen&#039;t show so much how you really think of her even though you both know or you know how u really feel about her, and 1 you really can&#039;t give her what you want you really cant buy her roses or anything suspocios why don&#039;t you send her a gift card of 50$ worth that you know she can spend it on something she really want&#039;s or needs, since anything else he can be suspicios of or make him feel bad :-) by doind that she can make any excuses and be like i got it for my self or you know any excuse.

    but the best is if you call her saying everything you wish for her that day and explain that you prefered that gift so she can spend it on her for a treat and your intension is to make her feel happy and by the phone call she we&#039;ll feel the love and happiness of your voice and the card the sorprise and the gift card her special treat ;-)

  8. A nice bottle of wine and a heartfelt card.

  9. Do this and see. You will be asked for furter suggestions on gifts.

    Buy few real red roses and one artificial very bright red rose. Place the artificial rose in the center of the bouquet.

    Attach a card that says:

    “I will like you until the last rose fades.”  because :

    In all the world, there is no one else for me like you.

    “A Sister may not be a Friend,

    but a Friend will always be a Sister.&quot;

    (The above gift will surely make her smile, feel good ,feel her feel you near to her,feel your love, care, etc. etc.)

    Some More Ideas :

    Buy the domain name of your friends  name iwww.Lovely/dearly/brilliant/intelligent... Create a web page f it is available.

    Call your friends any of the  maiden family members and ask if there was anything she always wanted when she was a little girl. something like a book, game or doll, something like that.  buy that  for her in your budget.  She will not only appreciate the gift but also the fact that you were thoughtful enough to find out what she always wanted.

    Buy a book that your friend and her husband, both are interested in reading. say- a joke book. and that way her busband also would not dislike you and they renmember you often.

    Have yourself  talk to the camera by yourself, telling the camera how send th saccette across to her you feel about your friend and why you like her.

    Select one of her best photo with you and get it scanned at a print shop (or scan it at home) and store it on disk as a .bmp file. set the image as the computer&#039;s wallpaper

    Transfer the file onto a CD and send her across.

    I think i have given enough and you will surely select one from mine. wish you good luck and a very happy and many more returns or your friends birthdayto you too.



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