
Need ideas for a unity candle type ceremony for 3 children ?

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I am getting married in October and need ideas on how we could include the children(11 yr old girl, his, 16 yr old girl & 6 yr old boy, mine)in a unity candle type ceremony for our wedding. They are already in the bridal party and I want to do something else to combine our family. Thanks in advance for your help.




  1. I wouldn't trust 3 teenagers with a candle, much less the age group you are talking about.  Find something that doesn't involve possible torching of children's clothing.  

  2. I was recently at a wedding, an outdoor wedding where theweather and wind is always instead of doing a unity candle for the UC ceremony...they poured sand into a beautiful vase.  Maybe the kids can simultaneously pour sand into a vase (facing the crowd for pics...) then you can light a candle at the same time?  

    Both my mom and my MIL have trouble walking, and we wanted to include them, so my husband and myself brought the candles to them and they lit our candles, then we went and lit the one together, it was very significant to us to have the mil's be apart of this, and we also had very personally picked out music for this specifically.  We chose Ray charles rendition of U R my sunshine, it was great...maybe you could have the kids help pick a song for this one thing too.

  3. The most popular choice when blending families is the unity sand ceremony.  Basically each family member has a small jar of colored sand.  Each take turns pouring the sand into a large vase or glass container as a symbol of blending the families.

    Here is some more info:

    good luck!

  4. the sand thing is a nice idea.  or maybe flowers, have them all take a single rose and put it in the new family vase.

  5. How about a blended family ceremony.  Your officiant/minister would call the children out of line and up to the alter where you both are standing, and at that time you both would either read something that you have prepared, or have your officiant say something to the children and you.  It is a beautiful ceremony and it really gets the children involved.

    Another idea is to have 3 unlit candles and you and your husband could both light them for the children as your officiant says some words about it.  For instance, bride and groom are lighting a candle for each of their children (saying each name) to bring them all together in this family.

    If you would like more advice on the blended family ceremony, feel free to email me at the address below.

    Best wishes to you.

  6. Family Unity Candle

    This candle you are about to light is a candle of Family.  Its fire is magical because it burns with the flame of a family joined in love.

    This candle before you is a candle of Commitment because it takes (three, four, etc) people working together to keep it aflame.

    This candle is also a candle of Unity because all must come together, giving a spark of themselves, to create the new light.

    As you light this candle today, may the brightness of the flame shine throughout your lives.  May it give you courage and reassurance in darkness; warmth and safety in the cold; and strength and joy in your bodies, minds and spirits.

    May your family be forever blessed.

    I also have a 'family promises' if you're interested.

  7. Each of you pour different color sand in a beautiful / very special vase that you are going to keep.  Then stick a long white candlestick in the middle of the sand and light it.   The flame would unify you all and the entire thing will be a beautiful keepsake.    There's just something very special about a white candle flame for something like this.

    When each of the different colors of the sand show in the vase, it will represent that even though each of you are separate beings, that you can all come together and make something beautiful.  

    Keep the vase in a special spot in your home, bring out and light the candle on special occasions.

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