
Need ideas for death 1 year ago?

by Guest58197  |  earlier

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Okay my father in-law passed away a year ago this weekend. Our church is having a service on Saturday and will mention some things about him and his life in the church and his funeral. On his b-day I bought balloons and let the kids send them up to the sky for grandpa and it made them very happy. Is there anything that anyone can think of that I could do that would be special?




  1. i couldnt think of anything sorry, but ''mo''s answer was really good...

  2. Have the children write notes to their grandpa and tie them to the strings of the balloons.

    You can have their grandpa's favorite meal with them and let each of them share their favorite memory of him.

  3. you might be able to gather pictures of him with each of the kids & make a scrapebook for them to share.My grandkids that I have adopted also enjoy letting balloons go on their mom's birthday.They also enjoy finding things that remind them of their mom & putting it on her grave.

  4. bring flowers to a random sick person in the hospital.

  5. You can all gather around in a circle and tell stories to remember him. Every time someone tells a story. That person can light a candle so grandpa can see it from heaven.

  6. Ask the kids to draw pictures of their favorite memory of grandpa.  Then you and your husband could include a notes about your favorite memories.  Then take these things along with a few pictures of grandpa and then family and put them in a little memory book.

  7. A birthday cake on his b-day (or rememberence day).  Kids LOVE  It's nice to have the happy atmosphere and talk about happy things.

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