
Need ideas on how to CONVINCE my MOM to let ME get my BELLY PIERCED?

by  |  earlier

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im 16, and been wanting one for soooo long.

ever since i heard of getting ur belly pierced was an option. lol.. (since i was little)

and, i asked my mom, she at first said no, then she said yeah, if i get a 6 pack.

(yahh right!)

u know how hard that is??

im a senior in highschool this year

im responsible and everything

i want it sooo bad.

im skinny too.. dont have a fat tummy or anything.. its pretty much flat.

so what r some other ways i can convince her??

p.s please dont say its sl.utty and i should wait and get it when im 18 i cant wait. or do it myself cuz im not dumb. (sorry to the people who did it themselves. lol)

thank you!




  1. tell her india is sooooo conserved and everything and they don't respect their women back in the old days and they get their stomach pierce why can't u, hey it is america

  2. Once you turn 16, most states/countries consider it legal for you to get a piercing without parental permission.

    Check with your local tattoo parlour (the best place to get pierced btw, the have the experience).

  3. I allowed my daughter to get hers pierced when she was 14 and she wasnt then nor is she now S****y even though you can make anything appear that way. I am not the "cool" or laid back parent either. I wish I could give you some magic words that would make your mother see assuming that you are a good kid works hard in school and all the other positives we want to see in our children that a belly ring is sort of becoming main stream in our society and is pretty much not any worse than an earring is. If I am correct ear piercing started out tabu. I see girls of all walks of life and if they present a negative image it  isn't because of a belly piercing. I am not a tongue ring advocate because there is so much bacteria in the mouth already and I know of people that have broken and cracked teeth because of them. I do also think that an at least a  flat stomach compliments  a belly ring can't say that I like seeing someone with a bulging stomach showing(I can say this because i have one) off on purpose. I hope you will be respectful of your moms wishes because a good mom is looking out for her child. You will not die if you don't get one soon it just seems like it. Stay level headed and show her that you have respect for her it may help out with the next great thing that comes up if  she knows you will listen to her on this.

  4. tell her that its your body and that you shouldn't even have to ask her.

    and you're 16 which means you're responsible for yourself already. Maybe try to get on her good side, like help her do chores, maybe you will be able to proove to her you're responsible for it. Also tell her you'll pay for yourself (if shes concerned about the money)

    but tell us why she won't let you first!

    Also, think of the consequences before you get it pierced. Because i dont want to sound like a bxtch but you could get a keloid if it gets infected and you could be scarred for life.

    good luck x*x

  5. um tell her you'll pay for it?

    d**n i dont even know; my mom wont let me get mine done either =(

  6. em.... well, my cousin had one and it got all infected, but if you are going to take care of it, tell your mom, that it is way better than a puppy, cuz they don't p**p! haha! I made a funny! well, good luck! =P

  7. Tell her it's not that big of a deal.  It's not like you're going to be running around in bikini's all year long.

    How are you 16 and a senior in high school?  Did you skip a grade or something?

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