
Need immediate hamster help!?

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My hamster is a little over a year old and i have had her since she was a baby. I was on a vacation for a week and when i got back my hamster seemed lifeless. She was completely wet from her mouth to her belly, she has been having diahrea for a couple of weeks, she is just sitting hunched over, her eyes are closed, she is walking in an unbalanced way, and is breathing fast and heavy. We are seeing the vet when it opens tommorow. I need help. What can I do? What might br wrong?




  1. well it might just be starvation.or her mouth could be dry.but as long as she has extra attention,and on her regular diets she should return back to normal.but it depends what kinda hamster you got.because hamsters don't live for long.but when you see the vet after a day or two she will be back to normal

  2. You should leave a hamster alone for a week!  Two days maximum and not even that if it had shown signs of illness.  

    Clean the hamster off as best you can without stressing it out (with a damp cloth or something).  Thoroughly clean and disinfect the cage.  Put lots of fresh bedding in  it and put it in a warm place.  Do not feed any fresh food or treats; only hamster mix.  

    Call your vet, they will probably have an answer phone message with the phone number of the on-call vet or local emergency practice.  The hamster sounds like it is in pain so need medical attention as soon as possible.

  3. there can be many things he can be depressed or may be dehdrated i would play with it and give it plenty of water

  4. get an eyedropper and fill it with water and squirt in the hamster's mouth. it will help her be undehydrated until you can see the vet.  karen

  5. - illness guide - emergency care

  6. Get a tube feel it up with water and then squert it in her mouth try to get some water in her body some how any way u can just do it quick

  7. Have you tried for any emergency clinic?  The wetness and Diarrhea sound like a very common disease among hamsters called "wet tail".    Keep your hamster as dry as possible.  Try to wipe off any of the diarrhea and keep it clean.  Sometimes when my hamsters get really sick, I try force feeding them things like pineapple juice out of an eyedropper.  If she hasn't eaten in a while it might help her keep her strength up.

  8. She might be a bit malnourished or dehydrated.  Try holding a small cup of water to her mouth and pour a little in, or give her some moist food to chew on.  If she has diarrhea you definitely want to make sure she is taking enough fluids.  Good luck!

  9. She almost certainly has wet tail from stress. She probably got sick because she has been with you her whole life and isn't used to not having you there. She was probably stressed from having new people there and peed on herself. The only thing you really can do is to keep her in a warm, quiet place and let her know your there with her. Give her lots of attention and love. Make sure she has plenty of water because she might be dehydrated from the diahrea. Because she is older she might not make it..... I'm really sorry I feel really bad for you. Good Luck With Your Hammie!

  10. the diarhera and drooling are signs of a respiratory or bacterial infection.

    you need to rehydrate and feed her ASAP, and get her to the doctors as soon as you can!

    infections need to be treated with antibiotics and specific medicines to kill the invadens.

    please don't leave your poor hammie alone for long than a few days, get a friend to come and change the water and food at least every other day if you plan to go away again.

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