I fell in a parking lot 2 weeks ago. I fell hard on my side. 3 days later I was nauseated and had a fever of 102. I also had extreme pain in my lower right side. The dr seems to think that I ruptured a cyst when I fell. My dr wants a cat scan, but I'm uninsured and even with a sliding scale it will cost $250.00.
I fell because I tried to jump over sand bags that the owner had put out after he had a flooding problem. Although it was a very ignorant move. The bags are no where near the flooded area. They are lined up between my office and a store the girls in my office frequently visit on our break time. I have lost at least $600.00 income from lost work and working in pain. I am paid on commission, but I have been with the company for over a year and I am very consistent.
My question is how should I proceed. Should I ask the office owner to file a claim to help me with my medical bills and loss of income? I don't really feel like I should sue for pain and suffering, because I bear some of the blame for not being more careful crossing the sandbags. By the way, some of the people working for the owner were in the lot when I fell and asked me if I was ok. I said yes. Pride, you know.
Also, my boss doesn't have an interest in the building, but I can't help but wonder if he will fire me or if it could cause trouble for him.