
Need info for hooking up home theatre, can anybody help?

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i 've got harman AVR247 receiver to be connected to tv (composite Red White Yellow connection in/out only), dvd (having composite Red White Yellow out, S-video out, optical out)

i have connected dvd optical to AVR and dvd video out ( composite yellow) to tv. it works but do I have to connect dvd video out to AVR in and from AVR out to tv in.




  1. What you have connected is fine for most setups; however if you ever plan on upgrading your tv (providing more/different inputs), you will need to pass your dvd video directly thru your AVR. This will allow the AVR to truly control the video switching. In addition, there are two other reason why you would want to pass thru the AVR:

    1) You add a VCR or other video source (in which case, since you only have one input on your TV, the AVR's built-in video switvching will allow you to have multiple sources connected (Satellite or Cable, VCR, DVD), and then the video source selection happens at AVR level. In your particular case, this expands the number of devices that you can have connected to your TV at once.

    2) If your AVR has video up-conversion capabilities (allowing for better resolution on your TV) you would want to take advantage of this for a more detailed image.

  2. You do not have to ever run the video through your receiver unless you want to use your receiver as a switcher and use one input on your tv for everything. This in nice idea. As I said it allows only one unput to be used on your TV. Keep in mind though. With this connection you have to always turn on your receiver if you want to watch anything that goes through it.

    I prefer to connect audio to the receiver and video to the TV. I will also connect audio to the TV using any spare outputs. Example: I connect my digital connections to my receiver and I then connect my analog RCA audio out to my TV along with the video. Use the s video insted of the composite (yellow) video.

    In this way I do not always have to turn on the receiver. If you have plenty of inputs on your TV this works quite niecely. However if you only have one or 2 inputs on your TV and have more inputs on your receiver. Then you can use the receiver and run the video through it. It is a personal choice thing in most cases. Try it out a couple of different ways and see which one you like best. I used to run video though my receiver. But I prefer the flexibility of keeping it kind of opened up.

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