First off I live in North Carolina b/c I know that Grandparents Rights vary by state. Second, I am not getting divorced nor seperated b/c I know that comes into play. Third, there is no abuse/neglect in my home whatsoever. My husband has a steady job, we have a decent home, and my children are cared for.
I have refused my mother to see her grandchildren b/c I do not want them involved in the type of lifestyle that she has. She is a belittling, adulterer, psycho woman, who managed to give me h**l throughout my life and I REFUSE to have her do the same things to my children.
Now...apparently NC has no grandparents rights, but a grandparent can file a petition for visitation when a divorce/seperation occurs between the as I said before my husband and I are together and not seperated nor will we ever be. So there is no way that she can get visitation of my kids right?? Just making sure there is nothing hid that I don't know about. I have already called one lawyer who told me "GR do not exist in NC, and I do not know of a statute that would allow visitation unless abuse/neglect etc. was occuring, and NC gives parents the right to raise their children without intereference from the courts as long as they are taken care of". I just want to make sure that this is all correct so that I can quit worrying about it.