
Need information about "Langkawi Airbridge"...?

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my friend in Bangkok is dying to know about this amazing curved suspended bridge. i'd love to give as many info i can . i can't even find it's website..i thought it's under Langkawi Geopark since it's located on top of Machincang Mount (Unesco Heritage Site)...somebody could give me the details about

1) How to get there

2) Fee

3) et cetera et cetera....





  1. Jambatan Air or Jambatan udara?

    1) How to get there=walk or fly

    2) Fee=murah only...

    3) et cetera et cetera....=??? aku bodoh

  2. I should like to see that too!  I'd make a side trip after my business in Sabah.:)

    But my Q is not appearing.  Hope u don't mind that I link it here.;...

  3. It is at gunung mat chinchang la...

    just go to oriental village, take a cable car up there. the place is good for sunset view. trying out the cable car its a real good experience because it kinda different from the rest of the cable car i ride, quite trilling... trust.

    I forget how much is the free . when i went up there, the bridge is almost complete , didnt get a chance to walk on it :(

  4. sorry gurl..I only know stairway to heaven ..but still can't find it

  5. no chance to naik kabel car?at machinchang tu ke?

    haishh..later2 can.. we go together2..reunion..yeah~

    ur question: sorry my sista, aku bodoh macam hubby ku jua..[which is gindy..] HAHHAHA

    [serious. i wish i can help. hope u'll get the answer  ya :) ]

    *ttbe rase geli psl hubby tu..LOL..

  6. Did you visit Gindy's Ganja Farm shd. bhd at the weekend by any chance? hehe..

    maybe it's not really there, maybe it's a 'figment of your imagination'...

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