
Need kindergarten activities for home schooling?

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I am teaching my daughter at home for kindergarten and need some activities or lesson plans.




  1. For phonics try this! My sister told me about it yesterday and my son is begging to play it now!

  2. Next year check out an online charter school to help you.

    My son finished the 8th grade in public school with straight F's and went from that to straight A's and B's being home schooled. Online charter schools are considered the same as public schooling. My son graduated an online charter school and now attends University of Dayton ( a private university ) with scholarships.

    Home schooling can work for some. The student needs to be self disciplined enough to do the work and care. Generally less work is involved with an online charter school than in a regular public school. You are also able to work at your own pace. k12 will customize your curriculum and make sure you are where you need to be.

    This is the school my other children are now attending,

    Depending on where you live they may be a help, if not, there are online charter schools all over.

    They will provide you with the computer, printer, supplies and books that you need as well as teachers and academic advisors. This is the same as a public school but ONLINE at home. They will also assist you will any state required test that need to be done as well as teachers that are there to help you.

    If you choose not to use a virtual school , yes you can still purchase k12 products.

    If you need anything else feel free to email me

  3. Hi,

    I liked


    there are plenty of others.

    And don't forget things like writing in the snow, in sand, in salt or flour,forming letters and numbers with play doh, counting the cracks in the sidewalk, gathering leaves, etc.,etc....

    Good Luck

  4. I'm intending to follow the recommendations in The Well Trained Mind, supplemented with Steiner philosophies. It will probably help if you read up on the different styles and pick the one that suits you best to use as your foundation. Then you can add and subtract whatever you want. At your daughter's age, she won't need much, and it doesn't need to be particularly formal. Start off with your local library, and ask them to order in anything you'd like a look at.

  5. Here are a few sites that I have used in the past. I would also recommend using A Beka.

    Let me know if you need anymore.

    Good luck.


  7. Painting for creativity, Legos building math and development, Nap time (needs a little rest, playtime for societal functioning, reading for comprehension and language development

  8. hi my name is princess and i am 14 but i love helping kids so i have a few websites that u can go to.........


  9. Depends on what you are teaching. Think about the things you're going to be teaching, and think of a way to make it fun.

    Have math class out on the driveway. Write out her math problems with sidewalk chalk and have her write in the answers.

    Make a list of things you find outside and go on a scavenger hunt with her for them. For example an acorn, a pinecone, a squirrel, etc.

    Go on field trips. Go to the zoo, the aquarium, the museum, the plant nursery, etc.

    Just stuff like that. Take what you already have, and figure out a way to make it fun and interesting.

  10. What subject? like math or art? ect.

    im homeschooled for my 1st year for 7th grade.

    Just make sure she goes to a co-op or does stuff with other kids!

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