
Need legal advice on pit bull attacks?

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my seven pound dog was killed by a FAMILY members pit bull.i need legal advice---




  1. where did it happen, did you take your dog to your families house around the pit bull or did they bring it to your house? either way the dogs should have been supervised, Pit Bulls tend to be animal aggressive, thats what they were bred for. you can call a lawyer and ask them their opinion on what can be done, find one that has free consultations that way if they say nothing can be done your not stuck with a lawyer fee. then i would be talking to your family, find out what they plan to do, maybe offer to buy you a new dog, i know that doesnt bring back your old dog,but it could help.

  2. There are many things to consider when it comes to an attack...was the dog provoked? was the dog chained to it's property?

    There is a site called

    Maybe you will get what you are looking for.

  3. There are many attorneys who specialize in animal related cases. Contact your local bar association. If you can't afford legal fees, contact Legal Aid. I would also contact Animal Control because a dog like that should not be allowed to kill something else.

    Edit: I have had too many friends with dogs who have been badly injured or killed by Pit Bulls to EVER EVER say it wasn't the Pits fault. Get a grip folks.

  4. WoW! a family member's dog?

    sound's like you may need the number to a family councelor instead..

    Im sorry about your dog

  5. Do you want to sue your family member or press criminal charges?  If so, I think you should ask yourself if losing this person, and who ever sides with them, is worth it.  If it is, and I fully understand why you are so upset, then you should speak to the humane society, police and a criminal lawyer.  More than likely the only viable outcome will be that the pit bull will be put down.  I highly doubt the owner will serve any jail time or have to pay a fine.  And I really doubt that it is the pit's fault.  Many people who have large dogs do not know, or are unwilling, to properly train, discipline and exercise their dogs.  If you feel the dog is being neglected or not being adequately taken care of in terms of making him a safe animal, then I would recommend talking to a shelter and/or animal control about having the dog removed and adopted by a person who is willing and able to care for such a breed.

  6. Yeah, get a family councillor.

    What's done is done.

    If he killed a human he'd be put down, but because he killed a dog not much can be done.

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