
Need legal help?

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i was in a situatiion where i didnt kno was going to happen i picked my friendas boy to take to play ball when cops started to surround me ... and the boy i picked up happened to be in armed robbery . he told me to take off on the cops or he would hurt me so after the boy jumped out my car i called the police to report it.... they didnt believe me at all.... one reason i believe is becouse they found pictures of me with some friends who are in jail for robbery so it made me look bad..... the are investigating it and now social workers are comein at me couse i have a 4 mounth year old.... they are saying that i am lieing but i am scared wat can happen .. should i get a lawyer or should i just let it be since i believe they should leave me alone since that insiadent cops have always been a problem like i get pulled over for stupid things.... i am young 2 so i feel my word was nothing now i am being investigated and feel like i am about to lose everything




  1. if you were charged with anything the you need a lawyer , if not don't worry about it

  2. Yes you should consult a lawyer,  you can lose your child custody for a period of time or at the very least they can have their nose up your **** and want to know what the decision making process your using for your life,   and the people that your exposing the child to .  

    even i their questions are reasonable and if they are being legitimate, then you have a lot to lose,   i dont think they can take the child on that evidence alone, but you need to think about the life your living  and what is best for your child,

    the police probably feel that you know more than your telling them, and are you ready to testify against the friends son ,  are you ?   are you ready to go to court and tell them all you know about that * child *   there is something else going on,  so you need to protect your self and make some lifestyle choices.  

    good luck

  3. Well I wish you the best however find better friends... surround yaself with trash and you will be seen as them...

    I used to hang out with real losers... criminals. I never took part in their crimes and am glad i didn't as now i am going to school to be a police officer.

    It is a biblical principle that if you surround yourself with garbage you will start to stink.

    really I mean it find new friends and cut off the old ones... and if the family members are losers... get away from it all... start a new life.

  4. You are correct - you need legal help.  Definitely, hire an attorney and do not speak to cops with out your attorney.  Once they've accused you of lying, they will doubt everything you say and can twist the simple statements you make to mean something that you didn't.  Having a picture with someone who is in jail does not mean you are a bad person, nor does it mean you should be suspected of anything.
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