
Need lots of Medieval facts

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I need info about the medieval times.

1) marriages

2) lords

3) houses & mansions

& etc...

I need a LOT of random facts, please! Thanks in advance.




  1. The lords who owned the castle where from a rich family and only the elder own could have the wealth. the younger owns moved outward and started farms raising pigs, cows and other farm animals. they also harvested crops to sell and eat. the lords who had sons continued their line but ones who didn't when they died they put the next one in charge at the throne which was usually a priest or scholar. The way to knighthood started at ages 5 and began as a page. then a squire then knight. each kingdom had their own shield except in jousting's. in jousting each knight had their own shield and Armour. they jousted for the ladies and which one was the top knight. the lords lived in the castles and the knights lived in the armory. families who didn't have power but was still wealthy lived in mansions. the end of the age was when there was cannons that just destroyed the castles.

    hope this little info helps. im sorry i dont know that much on marriages.                                                                                                                

  2. Mediveval Times is a restaraunt / experience of a life time.

  3. Castles & city houses may have "indoor bathrooms" The flushing was done by the rain (in the case of ones with canals), or by the river below (when the 'bathroom' was built over it).

    For serfs/feifs to marry they had to pay a tax to the lord of the manor. The tax was based on the size of the dowery.

  4. One thing I know for sure is that the moats around mansions and such were the dump sites for those in the castle, including bathroom waste.  

  5. well marriages were done for convience if they had a higher standing and money your daughter could live on then they gave away their daughter.. same for boys if he was penniless but he could get a good high standing name and estate through marrying some girl he'd marry her.

  6. Among the upper classes marriages were often arranged, although both parties were supposed to agree to the match (the church was against forced marriage).  Upper-class people sometimes married in their early teens.

    Among the lower classes, people usually married later, in their twenties, because people would generally work until they could afford to marry.  it was more usual for ordinary people to choose their own marriage partners.  Young people would normally socialise in groups, so they would all get to know each other very well before any pairing-off took place.

    The lord of the manor would normally rent out his land to villagers who would farm their own small plots of land, an dpay rent to the lord either in the form of service on his own farm, or in cash.  The lord would often be away at war or at court, in which case his wife would normally run the estate in his absence.  This was quite a complex business and would mean that a lady would have to have a good knowledge of estate business.

    Houses were mostly built of wood in medieval times, but castles would be stone.  Peasants' houses were not always as squalid as has sometimes been believed, peasant houses that have been excavated have been found to be quite substantial two-room dwellings, containing some quite nice possessions like glazed pottery, pewter tableware, board games, musical instruments etc.

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