
Need money....please help!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, here's the story. I am without a job and have been actively looking for another one since I lost my last job in early June. I'm talking several places a day that I go to and apply. I call them and no one needs anyone right now. I have taken out student loans to help pay for my rent and insurance, etc.; thus, putting me in school for the summer semester. But I have two dollars in my account have no idea how to get food or gas or anything. I don't qualify for food stamps somehow. Please, any suggestions or creative ideas would really help!

Thanks in advance!




  1. First, My heart goes out to you and I wish you the best of luck. I must say however it's my opinion that your approach and attitude is a good look into what is so wrong with out country and the rest of the world. Admitting that I don't know anything more about your situation then you wrote, I find a few things interesting. One is that your spending time at your PC on the Internet. Get off your *ss and get out in the real world. If your hungry and need $ you will find some work but looking for an answer on the Internet, d**n son get a clue!  As opposed to looking to others for help, try looking in the mirror. Our fathers before us had to find ways to feed themselves and their family's without looking toward others for food stamps or handouts, they found work and did it. And many did jobs that I'm confident they hated. But they did it. And now look at us. We get ourselves into situations usually because we deserve them. then we turn to others and say " Help me" I recommend you take the following steps. 1- Get off the Internet and into the real world. 2- Take any job offered no mater how much you may not like it. It will help build character and allow you to eat. and # 3 lastly, stop counting on others and build a person that you can count on, that would be you. Best of luck my Internet friend. May your hard work and perseverance provide a good life. Or just wait around for it to happen. You decide.

  2. Do you quailify for work study? Look into that for the fall. I know it's difficult to work and go to school, but it's also difficult to study effectively on an empty stomach.

    Try all of the job websites: com,, Perhaps even try temp services: I actually found my current career through Kelly-I've been here for 3 years!

    Good Luck to you!

  3. Why don't you sell your old gold jewelry you don't wear anymore?  MY friend was in a jam like you, and she got a lot of money from an online company.  I will provide the link below for you in the source box.

    She compared a lot of companies online.  She liked this one the best because they said she could get her money very fast.  They gave her the best price for her gold.  She also liked them the best because they are members of the BBB, and they were featured in USA Today.

    I wish you the best, times are tough.  I really hope you find a job soon.

  4. Is there anything you can do? Do you like writing at least a little? You can try blogs, articles, stories, of you can get a freelance job...and you don't need to be a genius to be there, just share your own personal experiences, and review products you use, and you can get all stress out too.  I've written a site with some online money making and online jobs seems to me online market  has been underestimated by many people. If any of those can help you, I'll be happy and so would you...this is not spam, you can see my payment proofs, and tips there, if this doesn’t help you please ignore it and that’s it, I’m just trying to help. Just go to the page and you'll find some sites there. Hope any of those can help you out, good luck...

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