
Need more Recipess????

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Hello... I LOVE to cook. I can make the Genji's famous soy sauce and i made this fantastic garlic chicken pasta. Anyways This is for good chefs and cooks... I want to make new recipes... and i want to know how you come up with recipes fast... plz help




  1. Hey, im 13 too, ive read most of ur other questions and i think we've got  a lot in common, anyway....

    I love to cook, and most of the food i eat i make myself. i'v just got cooking guide, the game for the DS. I think its great and i advice u to get it too, if u have a DS that is. There's loads of recipess online, il give u some web adresses.....

    If u don't like them, there's loads of others out there, just type "cooking recipes" or something like that in to google, and im sure something good will come up :)

    I make a lot of recipes myself, but if u do, make sure it's based on another recipe ans then change things to how u like em.

    Hope this helps :)

  2. when i want a recipe fast i go to  I started cooking when I was 2 stirring pudding for my mother.  There wasn't instant pudding back then.  I love to cook and bake and try new things.

    My husband and I both take someone else's recipes and change them up.  Keep up the love for cooking, it's a lot cheaper than eating out.

  3. The recipe creation process is not fast.

    I have a great many cookbooks in my kitchen where I often look for inspiration. If I don't find anything like what I am looking for, I go online. But that is often only a starting point for me, as I may have other goals for my finished product. I may also be trying to make a recipe that uses no gluten, milk, or eggs, so there's a lot of figuring to do.  

  4. Hi. I'm the same age as well and I love to cook!!

    Here's a recipe that I love, it's super easy, and it's a big hit with my family and friends:

    Red, White, and Green Panini


    1  16-ounce loaf unsliced ciabatta or Italian bread

    2  tablespoons olive oil

    1/4  cup mayonnaise or salad dressing

    1  tablespoon purchased basil pesto

    6  ounces thinly sliced provolone cheese

    4  ounces thinly sliced cooked ham or coppacola

    4  ounces thinly sliced salami

    1  recipe Red Onion Relish

    2  cups fresh spinach or arugula


    1. Cut bread in half horizontally. Brush the outside of loaf with oil. Place bottom half of loaf on a piece of waxed paper. Set top aside. In a small bowl, mix mayonnaise and pesto; set aside.

    2. Preheat an electric sandwich press, covered indoor grill, grill pan, or 12-inch skillet. Pace half of the cheese on bottom half of bread. Spread mayonnaise mixture over cheese. Layer with meats, Red Onion Relish, spinach, and remaining cheese. Replace top. Cut into 4 sandwiches. Place sandwiches (half at a time, if necessary) in the sandwich press or indoor grill; cover and and cook about 6 minutes or until bread is toasted. (If using a grill pan or skillet, place sandwiches on grill pan. Weight sandwiches down and grill about 2 minutes or until bread is toasted. Turn sandwiches, weight down, and grill remaining sides.) Makes 4 sandwiches.

    3. Red Onion Relish: Combine 1 medium red onion, halved and thinly sliced; 2 tablespoons olive oil; 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar; and 1 teaspoon snipped fresh oregano. Season with salt and ground black pepper. Cover, let stand at room temperature up to 2 hours. Drain. Makes about 1 cup.

    As for coming up with your own recipes, just take a day or two, and experiment. Figure out what tastes good with what, and how long something should cook for.

  5. Your passion for cooking could make you a teriffic chef commanding tons of money someday!  That is awesome.  

    There is a book called The Joy of Cooking, and it is old school, but I have seen this book time and time again in the offices of superior chefs.  

    This is the Bible for many chefs.  

    Good luck to you.  

  6. try "" , it is great for all levels of cooking. good luck.

  7. congrats on being interested in cooking at your age!!!  i have been at it for a long time and my kids used to tell all their friends that i was the best at throwing all different kinds of things together and it coming out good.  i love to go online and find as many recipe sites as i can. is one of the best!!!  keep up the good work and i hope you have many more years of fun in the kitchen!  who knows? you might become a famous chef one day and we can all say that we knew you when..................................
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