
Need more answers to my nipple question??

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I asked this question yesterday;_ylt=ArdhVWcfpO6SFeeqJIrJkcvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080818202404AAkta1u

... and went to the doctor like everyone said.. So the doctor took a urine pregnancy test and it was negative.. But she looked on the ultrasound and my uterus is raised and there is a sac growing in the uterus.. So she sent me for blood test.

I am in Egypt and I don't know arabic so its kindda hard to communicate with her.. So I did see at the lab they were taking a blood picture and and HCG test.

So anyhow, what the h*ll is going on? My last period was this month. The first day was August 1 but it didn't last as long this time, it only lasted 4 days. help me understand plz




  1. A sac could be a cyst. I hope you find out soon.

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