Well I just asked a question a little while ago because I was concerned with my horses health and that I thought he was sick so when I talked to my uncle about I didn't think to ask him about a medical report so he told me to read his report before we spend a whole bunch of money on a vet, and there's nothing there that claims he has any tumors or that he is sickly so he's probably just adjusting to his new home, I just got him yesterday but I'm so excited about having a horse I won't stay out of his face lol. Well since I don't really know anything about horses, is it okay for me to leave him in his stable unless I am riding him, and yesterday I fed him an apple and then earlier today I fed him a carrot and he's been eating grass for the most part. But if I'm going to be away for most of the time, should I leave him in his stable? And I've noticed he's chewing on his wood too is that normal?