
Need more opinions about baby acne or worse (new pics)?

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Two days ago, I asked this question:;_ylt=AvOxvL9se3tBwrsmltAwRu3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080819212807AAzAqol

It basically asked you to look at the pictures to see if it was just baby acne or a rash of some kind. Most people said it was either baby acne or eczema.

The next day, it seemed to be worse. I called the doctor's office the next day. I explained what I was seeing. I said that it looked like acne, but very dense and in little clusters. The dr. didn't seem worried about it and said it was probably baby acne. She advised to wash her face with mild soap. I have done that. But it still looks very bad. She has a check up next Friday.

Please see pictures

Original pictures (taken 8-19):

Yesterday (8-20):

Today (8-21):

My poor baby looks so pitiful!

Does this still look like baby acne, eczema, or does it now look like something else? The clusters make me think that it's something else. It looks like poison ivy, but I know it can't be that. It's only on the top part of her face. Nowhere else on her body.

Thanks so much!




  1. poor thing....

    my daughter, 9 weeks had/has baby acne but it doesn't turn red like hers.  she just gets the little pimple/zits.   I think it looks more like eczema.  I would call the dr.'s office and tell them you need to get in now because the baby is getting extremely fussy.  if you can't get her in i would go to an urgent care center.  

  2. take her to the doctor!

    is she on any medication.

    when my cousin was about 5 months she had the same thing but all over her body and it turned out that she was allergic to penicillin.

  3. that got real worse very could just be baby acne..but i would make her an appointment as soon as can never be to careful it could also be an allergic reaction..make an appointment so you can talk to her doctor

  4. aww poor thing. i would deff make an appointment with the doctor to make sure everything is ok. i would also take the pictures and you posted on here. good luck!!

  5. IT looks like baby rash(acne) to me.Both my daughters had it when they were "fresh". I freaked out with my first daughter because I had NO idea what it was when all those red and white bumps started showing up but the hospital and her ped. assured me it was baby acne and sure enough it was because it cleared up about a week or two later...the same happened when my second daughter got it. Almost every baby will develope this between the 1st and 4th month of their lives and the look of it varies too. Both my daughters have eczema and it doesn't really look like that. Sometimes it bubbles up like blisters but for the most part it is slightly raised(not much at all) patches of rough dry red skin. But its almost always in splotches and your baby's seem to be more spread out then eczema is. Just try to put some cortizone cream on it if it seems to bother her because baby acne does itch and can make the baby very irate when they can't scratch it.

  6. It does look like baby acne but it got worse really quickly...My baby gets it still(shes 6 weeks)and in small clusters but generally only when she's gotton hot,If her check up isn't until NEXT  Friday I would call and try to get her seen TOMORROW. When you call and ask for a appointment though just say it's for a rash,not "possible baby acne' that way you won' get brushed off. Good luck!

  7. awww, she's a little sweetie. Normally I would say it could be an allergic reaction of some kind, but that would more than likely be all over her body. It looks like mild eczema. Make an appointment with her doctor and in the meantime, gently blot her face with warm water. no soap, no lotion. This should clear up on it's own, but in case it is an allergy, the doctor can give you diet tips that will help her while you are nursing.  

  8. My kids for that way too, doctor said it was acne, and it did go away in a couple weeks. You should wash her face with water only and make sure she isnt too warm, sweat can cause this too.

  9. TAke her to the doctor about it. This looks serious

  10. looks like an allergic reaction ... take her to the doctor..

    good luck=)

  11. Yeah,my baby had acne that looked like that,just not that bad.I wouldnt wash her face with anything except water.That soap is probably making it worse.It took quite awhile to go away but eventually it did! Shes beautiful!!

  12. Oh poor bubba! I think you've done the right thing in booking an appointment with the doctor. My bubs had a hormone thing that looked similar but yours looks worse. If it starts to get more inflamed seek medical advice sooner.

    hopefully she gets over it real soon, i would just be using water and no soap or lotions on her face just in case she is having a reaction to them or she may just have sensitive skin.

    Good luck hon with the doctors!

  13. From the looks of the pictures, it is acne. My son had it really bad, too, when he was just a few weeks old. It looked just like that. It was in patches and sorta had a blister type look to it. I thought it was a rash or reaction to something, too. It took about a month for it to clear up. It cleared up kinda like it happened, one day they were there and the next they were gone. I guess that is what scared me when I first saw them. It's like they all popped up at one time kinda like a rash does. After I panicked and thought the worst I started using the baby soap called Aveeno baby wash. It helped a ton on his face. It seemed to clear it up in just a matter of days after I started washing his face with it 3 or 4 times a day. Go the the website for the Mayo clinic and look up baby acne and read more about it.

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