
Need new running shoe. Suggestions?

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I need a new pair of running shoes, my toes start to tingle and burn on long runs with my current pair. I currently have a pair of mizunos. Should I go to my local running shoe or consider purchasing a pair from ebay?




  1. Saucony Pro grids are really good, I've had mine for 2 years now and they are excellent for long distance running not so much sprints. They let your toes breath and have really good cushioning. I would recommend going to a local running store because they have really good advice.

    I hope that helped

  2. a running store would be able to give you the best advice and set you up with a shoe that fits your foot as well as how you run. They know their stuff

  3. who needs shoes?  strengthen your feet

  4. I would never buy a pair of shoes without being able to try them on. I like acics because they usually have a nice toe spread.  You might want to consider a gel inserts for your shoes too.  That all the difference in the world to me.

  5. Definately go back to the Running store, but wear the shoes you run in.  The staff can analyze your wear pattern.  Allow 1/2 hr. to 1hr. on trying differerent shoes, let them check your gait, over/underpronation, foot type, form, etc.  A good running store will allow you to run in them for a bit whether its outside the store or on their treadmill.  Maybe they will recommend Mizunos again, or try another brand.  Over the years, I have tried New Balance, Montrail, MIzunos, Brooks, NIke, Sauconys in various styles,  Brooks Adrenaline and Mizuno Nirvana was the best road shoes for me, and Montrail was the best trail shoes for me.  My running has changed from short distances to long distance, road and trail, etc., therefore so did my runners.  So take the time to try different soon as your confident to buy - then go onto eBay (it is cheaper this way, I have done this several times).

    Good luck, run happy and train smart:)

  6. Defiantly go to a local running shoe store.  they wll be able to help u pick out a good running shoes for wht ever u run.

  7. Never by shoes off ebay. The only exception is when you already have the same pair of shoes and you know it fits well and comfortable and its the cheapest you can get.

    My advice is go to your local running shop. I'm sure if you look in the phone book and look under "running" you can find a few around your area (unless you live in the middle of nowhere)

    At the local running shop, they will look at your feet, take measurments, and see what kind of foot step/stride you have when running. This way they can determine the best shoe that will fit you.

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