
Need of Babysitting Learning Activities? 10 Points for Best!?

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M little sister is doing babystting so once she did something great for me and she said to pay her ack is to find learning activities for the babysitting so I really need help

Best one 10 points




  1. you could print some worksheets....sorry, i could give better if i knew their ages

  2. i personally children ages 3-6 would rather be playing then doing worksheets.

    Good luck!!!!!!!!! :)

  3. depending on ages, but basically do what they like.  You can use the general play doh and crafts with paper and glue or you can do something different like sidewalk chalk and playing hop scotch.  Other things are fishing in the bathtub.  Take a few wire hangers, using the curved part of the hanger for the hook.  Gather wash cloths and throw in the tub.  different colors are worth different points.  The winner picks the board game of their choice.  After you are done, wash a load of clothing with the wash cloths and use one rag to wash up any extra water in the floor.  use a cleaner and get extra points with the parents for a clean bathroom!

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