Alright, so recently my family adopted a dog (as we do sometimes) we had it for only a few days and noticed that it was not well. The little dog was throwing up EVERYTHING including water. And he had really bad diarrhea. We took him to the vet and our vet said that he had PARVO. Now, i've had dogs all my life and i've never heard of the diesase. My neighbor whos a breeder didn't even know!!!! My vet acted like it was no big deal, but when I got home I jumped online to research it. The diesease sounds almost as bad as rabies! Once the adult dog is infected it has a 50/50 chance of surviving, and if it does live it will have health issues always. Puppies are at a more serious risk than adult and older dogs, and about 80% who have it will die.
I was really upset, but we decided to give the dog back and demand a full refund. So, I guess my reason for posting this is to alert people about the diesease and also to be super careful and think twice before adopting. I'm also really mad that my vets and the company we adopted the dog from acted like this was no big deal, when it's highly contagious and deadly!!!! I won't post the name of the company for fear of being sued.
Has anyone heard of this diesease before? If not, here's some of my sources:
Also, does this situation sound farmiliar? Has anyone had similar problems? Why isn't this a big deal?!?!?!