
Need opinions on a hairstyle? [Guys & girls please, 10 points!]?

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My hair is dark brown, straight, and really long, do you think I should keep my current hairstyle or get it cut to another style that I like?

Current style:

Style I like:




  1. I've had my fair share of haircuts and with my experience I rather keep my hair long. When you have your hair short you might not like it or it's too short for you to do anything fun with it. You should try that hair cut and see if you like it, you might not, but it's good to know instead of spending your whole life wondering. Don't worry, your hair will grow back in case you don't like it.  

  2. I say go for the onr you want! Its cute and i love it. Its pretty similar to your current one minus the teasing so its not a big jump :]

    Hope i helped!

  3. please dont...

  4. Wow.. You seem really poserish!!


  5. cute & punky, i like #2 better.

  6. You should get the new style!

    i want something like that but i have to wait for my stupid hair to grow.

  7. Both styles are nice.But i like the second one because is diff.

  8. i think you should get hte one that you want. it will look really good with your haircolor

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