
Need opinions on global warming and facts for both sides of the arugement??

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Need opinions on global warming and facts for both sides of the arugement??




  1. If you want facts and evidences of global warming, I would suggest you visit this site:

  2. If you're one of the people that thinks it is mad-made then get in your spaceship and leave man, its the magnetic fields of the earth shifting and repositioning the planet in different pats of the suns wake- ie its turning the marble over and the magnifying glass is focusing on the other half now, yet we still believe it will bring doomsday?

    Volcanoes have been erupting for thousands of years, and there has beenno global "Warming" untill now, and also- it should be called global "Climate Change" because some places that ae sunny now are recieving less sun, thus colder.

    It has happened before people- whether or not you can deal with it like yoyr ancestors did is another question, we depend too much on the daily food trucks to bring us food- may have never shot a gun in their lives, but i urge you to try and preare- even if its all you can do to buy supplies, be prepared for it- I dont like to see people during a disaster, becaue i know its too late for me to help them.

  3. um, the earth goes through a heating cycle every 20,000 years. but since all are cars are emitting bad gases, its burning a hole in the ozone layer. this is letting sun rays in, causeing are earth to heat up. now algae is leaving coral reefs, killing them. polar ice is melting, causing polar bears to drown. global warming is a terrible, terrible thing.

  4. The largest problem I have with the whole thing is no one has has nailed down the exact temperature increase that would be caused by a doubling of CO2.  Studies are all across the board from1.1'C to 6'C.  Troubling is how proponants of catastophic scenarios are quick to dismiss the lower estimates and just as quick to embrace the higher.

    Another troubling aspect is the appearant poor condition of climate monitoring stations.  Such conditions, including placement and maintenace requires scientists to change the data in an attempt to remove reading errors.  This on it's surface would be prudent, but it also introduces another exposure to error.  While on the subject of monitoring, a new ocean temperature program began operating in 2003, ARGO.  While initially some problems were encountered, the data issues were/are being corrected.  Intial review in light of this error is that there has been no warming of the oceans since monitoring began.  This is in contradiction to the AGW hypothesis, and Dr's Willis and Hansens 2005 statement that "the numbers fit".

    November 2007, JPL also released new information on the Arctic Oscillation.  As it turns out, a majority of the climate change and ice loss can be attributed to ocean circulation, unrelated to AGW.  Yet another contradiction, but this time I will have to give GISS credit, in that instead of presuming to understand AO, and claim they can model it well, the did state their model's performace in this area was poor, and more study required.

    Is AGW real, likely so.  To what extent remains to be seen, and I am underwhelmed by the quality of the science in certain areas of climatology.

  5. Humans are the primary cause of the current global warming.  A summary of the scientific evidence is in the link below.

  6. You could say on one side-

    Global warming is a natural process and we shouldn't worry about it because our earth has gone through temperature changes like this before.

    On the other side-

    Our air pollution is causing Carbon Dioxide to eat away at our ozone layer effectively raising the temperature.


    NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) gives an analysis of data for global temperatures.  They mention that the British climate analysis group predicted that 2007 was going to be (in their limited records) a record-breaking year, which it wasn't.  It was cooler than predicted.  The NASA folks, too, were convinced by the Global Warming crowd, and cease to be credible in their predictions.  Note: Sun's irradiation cycle is at its ebb for three more years; Pacific is cool; average temperatures are warmer?: less than half a degree Celsius.

  8. The green house gas is not there how can it cause GW???

  9. There is pretty good evidence to suggest the earth has warmed and cooled quite similarly to the present warming several times since the last ice age. It has all happened without the burning of fossil fuels. Curious isn't it?

  10. scam

  11. Normal cycle that the earth is going through.

    I heard the meteorologists on the news, trying to say that the whole U.S. was having a warmer than usual winter. I believe they called it "almost springlike." What a laugh. In my area, we barely got above freezing and we had more snow than we've had in several years.

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