
Need people help rate and help with yugioh dark deck?

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Cauis the shadow monarch x2

D-hero Dasher x1

D-hero Defender x1

Gorz emmisary of darkness x1

Dark Nephthys x1

Necro gardna x2

Morphing Jar x1

Armegaddon knight x3

Dark Arm Dragon x2

Snipe Hunter x1

Kycoo the ghost destroyer x1

Obsidian dragon x2

Dark valkyrie x1

Jinzo x1

The dark creator x1

Prometheus, King of the Shadows x1

Sangan x1

Magic 11

Dark eruption x1

Premature burial x1

Foolish burial x1

Monster reborn x1

Brain control x1

Heavy storm x1

lightning vortex x1

reasoning x2

Enemy controller x1

MST x1

Soul release x1

Traps 10

Transmigration prophercy x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Bottomless trapholes x3

Sakuretsu armor x1

Mirrior force x1

Magical Cylinder x1

Trap Hole x2




  1. Monsteers : 22

    3 DaD

    3 Caius

    2 Dark Grepher

    1 Strike Ninja

    1 Promethiest , King Of The Shadows

    1 Stratos

    1 Dsik Commander

    2 Dasher

    2 Malicious

    2 Fear Monger

    1 Spirit Reaper

    1 Jinzo

    1 Sangan

    1 Snipe Hunter

    Spells : 13

    3 Destiny Draw

    2 Allure Of Darkness

    2 R o T A

    1 Heavy

    1 M S T

    1 Mon Reborn

    1 Pre Burial

    1 Fires Of Domsday

    1 Brain Control

    Traps : 7

    2 Limit Reverse

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    1 C C V

    1 Return From The Diffrent Dimension

  2. i have to admit i thought i was going to see some noob deck but this looks good, you have a lot of monster destruction but i dnt think you have enough spell/ trap destruction try dust tornados and maybe a mobius the frost monarch even though hes not dark you should find him usefull

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